Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

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Part 7. 2009

His Majesty Chance allowed us to find a fundamentally new method of genetic engineering, unknown to anyone before: using the influence of the psi-field generator, it is possible to convert certain genes, which were repressed by others (and not always by the best ones), into dominants! Also, this can be done not only at the phase of an embryo or pollination, but in already fully formed young (and old) plants or other living organisms! Previously, the psi-generator created in plants and animals fundamentally new qualities and properties which they never had in Nature and which are probably fixed at the level of genetics, but this supposition requires verification. Nevertheless, everything is clear in the case of our Passifloras... Thus, there is a real possibility, not in some distant future, but today, of awakening the sleeping genes, which bear positive properties and qualities, in already existent varieties (without creating genetic monsters), and to create absolutely new properties and qualities in them which they never had initially! These are not some theoretical suppositions, but the most real facts, as, for example, the nonfreezing arboreal juice even at temperatures more than 20 degrees below zero in tropical and subequatorial evergreens! Or the synthesis of water by plants which Mother-Nature has never created, but which can do an invaluable service to man in solving all problems related to agriculture and restoration of damaged nature!

  Passiflora Sayonara's leaves   Passiflora Amethystina Tocaja   Passiflora Caerulea   Passiflora Sayonara's leaves   Passiflora Sayonara's leaves   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Magnolia «Betty»   Magnolia «Betty»   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's fruits   Passiflora Sayonara's leaves   Winter in the Royal valley   Winter in the Royal valley   Winter in the Royal valley   Winter in the Royal valley   Winter in the Royal valley   Winter in the Royal valley   Figs – Ficus carica L.   Figs – Ficus carica L.   Figs – Ficus carica L.   Figs – Ficus carica L.   Figs – Ficus carica L.   Figs – Ficus carica L.   Figs – Ficus carica L.   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Japanese plum – Photinia Japonica   Japanese plum – Photinia Japonica   Japanese plum – Photinia Japonica   Japanese plum – Photinia Japonica   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa

  Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Maitake – Grifola frondosa   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   The Royal mushroom – Agaricus black   The Royal mushroom – Agaricus black   The Royal mushroom – Agaricus black   The Royal mushroom – Agaricus black   The Royal mushroom – Agaricus black   Coprinus comatus   Coprinus comatus   Chanterelles – Cantharellus cibarius   Chanterelles – Cantharellus cibarius   Chanterelles – Cantharellus cibarius   The oyster mushroom  – Preurotus ostreatus   The winter Armillaria  – Flammulina velutipes   The red orange-cap boletus  – Leccinum scabrum   Palms and snow   Magnolias-caduc   Magnolias-caduc   Magnolias-caduc   The strawberries in December   The strawberries in December   The strawberries in December

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Part 7 +. 2009

"The first two weeks of 2009 were snowy and frosty in France. Everything was covered with an immaculate white snow carpet and the temperature reached -20 degrees Celsius! The weather was strikingly reminiscent of the Russian New-year and surely was quite unexpected for Frenchmen, Spaniards and Italians. It was the most real Russian winter! But the thaw came unexpectedly on the Old New Year, a holiday which the inhabitants of the former Soviet Union adore and celebrate on a grand scale, but is strange for the rest of the world. The snow completely disappeared and the frosts went off to “celebrate” the holiday!

Svetlana took advantage of the occasion and impatiently went to carry out a reconnaissance being armed with a camera..."

  Winter in our estate   Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.   Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.   Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.   Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.   Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.   Green grass in January   Green grass in January   Green grass in January   Green grass around the castle in January   Green grass in January   Such a different grass!   Òàêàÿ ðàçíàÿ òðàâà!   Woodland strawberry – Fragaria vesca L.   Woodland strawberry – Fragaria vesca L.   Strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   Strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   Strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   Iris germanica   Iris germanica in January   Jasmimum primulinum in January   Jasmimum primulinum in January   Photinia Japonica in January   Inflorescences in January   Evergreen plants in January   Evergreen plants in January   Evergreen plants in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Armillaria mellea   Too much water even for limestone   Too much water even for limestone   Too much water even for limestone   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   Maitake Grifola frondosa in January

  Maitake Grifola frondosa in January   False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca   False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca   False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca   An unknown yet plant   An unknown yet plant   Evergreen plants in January   Evergreen plants in January   An unknown yet plant   An unknown yet plant   An unknown yet plant   Strawberry in January   Figs in January   Figs ripening in winter   A fig in ice   Japanese plum in ice   Japanese plum in ice   Sequoias in ice   ÑSequoias in ice   Sequoias in ice   Cedars in ice   The monkey puzzle tree clothed in icicle   The monkey puzzle tree clothed in icicle   Magnolias buds in ice armour   Magnolias buds in ice armour   Japanese maple in ice   Frozen inflorescence   An oyster mushroom   Maitake's mycelium in January   Maitake's mycelium in January   Maitake's mycelium in January   Magnolia Grandiflora in January   Magnolia Grandiflora in January   The Japanese plum liberated from the icy shell   The Japanese plum liberated from the icy shell   The Japanese plum liberated from the icy shell   Glades remain green after thawing   The ice attack resulted in nothing   Oyster mushrooms without ice armour   False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca

  Magnolias in January   Magnolias in February   Magnolias in February   Magnolias in February   Japanese plum in February   Magnolia Grandiflora in February   Japanese Jasmine in February   A week after «glaciation»   A week after «glaciation»   Thyme – Thymus vulgaris L. blooms in February   Parsley grows in February   Parsley grows in February   Spanish sorrel grows in February   Strawberry's ovaries çàâÿçü in February   Primrose blooms in February   Daisy blooms in February   Green grass in February   Green grass in February   Green grass in February   Mushrooms in February   Champignons in February   Mushrooms in February   Champignons in February   Maitakes became bigger with every day   Maitakes became bigger with every day   Sphagnum nemoreum Scop – a bog moss on the hill in winter   Sphagnum nemoreum Scop – a bog moss on the hill in winter   Maitakes became bigger with every day   Maitakes became bigger with every day   Maitakes became bigger with every day   Maitakes became bigger with every day   Maitakes became bigger with every day   Trees damaged by the hurricane   Trees damaged by the hurricane   Plicaturopsis crispa   Polyporus tomentosus   Lentinellus cochleatus   Daedalea quercina   An unknown type of new mushrooms   An unknown type of new mushrooms   The first Maitake's filial micelium   The second Maitake's filial micelium   An unknown type of new mushrooms   An unknown type of new mushrooms   An unknown type of new mushrooms   More Champignons in winter   More Champignons in winter   Daisies in February   Daisies in February   Hyacinths in February   Hyacinths in February   Hyacinths in February   Tulips in February   Narcissi in February   Young nettle in February   Araucaria araucana's cones ripened in February   Araucaria araucana's cones ripened in February   Paulownia tomentosa in February   Chestnuts in February   Magnolia buds in February   Magnolia buds in February   Magnolia buds in February   Magnolia buds in February

© Nicolai Levashov, 2009

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