Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

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Part 5. 2008

Agricultural activity based on mechanistic materialism results in the dumping of millions of tons of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on cultivated soils for the purpose of “multiplying” crop production. However, productivity increases insignificantly and for a relatively short period of time, whereupon these lands become almost sterile. This is not the only harm caused by chemical substances which are used on the fields. When it rains, chemicals and toxins get into the underground waters and through them to rivers, lakes, springs and wells. Thus harmful chemical substances and poisons get into the water which people drink and this, as everyone may understand, has grave consequences for their health. But this also is not all! Through the underground waters chemical substances and poisons from fields also get into rivers, which carry their waters to seas, oceans and lakes and do irreparable harm to the ecology of the water spaces which occupy three quarters of the surface of our planet.

As a result, the ecological equilibrium of water spaces is irreversibly violated; many types of animal and vegetable organisms die. The same chemical substances poison other types of inhabitants of seas and oceans which get on people’s table as seafood, thus again poisoning them. As a result of all this, numerous “ecological” illnesses appear, including cancer, and the number of sick people increases...

... there are real forces which, using true knowledge of natural laws, are able not only to solve ecological problems ..., but also to prevent the appearance of new ones in the future! The methods which can provide cleansing of the global atmosphere, the World Ocean and the ground already exist now.

  Enormous raspberries in June   Enormous raspberries in June   Red currant in June   Good yield in the beginning of June   Figs in the beginning of June   Ripening figs in June   Araucaria araucana in limestone   Araucaria araucana   Araucaria araucana   Araucaria araucana   The Blue Atlas Cedar   The Blue Atlas Cedar   The Blue Atlas Cedar   Cedrus Deodara   Cedrus Deodara   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Two maples on different sides of the wall   Uninfluenced maple   Our maple   Maples' leaves difference   Catalpa's leaves   Catalpa's leaves   Catalpa's leaves   Catalpa blossoms in the beginning of June   Catalpa blossoms in the beginning of June   Catalpa blossoms in the beginning of June   Hazel's enormous leaves   Hazel's enormous leaves   Climber's enormous leaves   Climber's enormous leaves   The Japanese plum blossoms in October   The Japanese plum blossoms in October   Figs in June   Ripening figs in June   Ripening figs in June   The figs yield   Figs in June   Good yield of figs in June   The second yield of strawberries   The second yield of strawberries   Raspberries in the beginning of June   Red currant in June   Black currant in June   White currant in June   Rose currant in June   Gooseberriesin the beginning of June   2-meter Celery   Mint   Enormous rose mushrooms   Champignons in June   Giant artichoke   Passiflora enormous flower   Monkey tree cones in June   Monkey tree cones in June   Yellow raspberry in June   Gooseberries   Gooseberries   Catalpa's enormous flower   Figs   Figs   Enormous fig tree leaves   Enormous fig tree leaves   Black currant in June   Enormous White mushrooms in June   Enormous White mushrooms in June   Magnolia Lotus leaves 3 years ago   Magnolia Lotus leaves today  

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Continuation. 2008

Nicolai Levashov continues to tell about striking phenomena happening due to the influence of the dark matter generator which he installed 5 years ago in his domain in France. New amazing facts and 28 splendid photographs are available.

  A fig tree growing by leaps and bounds   Figs in June   Figs in June   Figs in June   Cedrus Libany   Cedrus Deodara   Cedrus Deodara Aurea   Ceddar young shoots   Paulownia in 2005   Paulownia in 2008   Paulownia's enormous flowers   Paulownia's enormous leaves in 2005   Paulownia's enormous leaves in 2008   Paulownia's enormous leaves in 2008   Paulownia's enormous fruits in 2005   Paulownia's enormous fruits in 2008   Paulownia's fruits 3-4 times bigger than the normal ones   Our Paulownia's fruits in 2008   Araucaria's female ripe cone   Araucaria's male ripe cone   Catalpa blossoming   Catalpa blossoming   Catalpa's enormous flowers   Catalpa's enormous flowers   Cedrus Deodara young shoots   Enormous artichoke   Russules in June   Boletus edulis in June  

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