Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

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Part 6. 2008

This is 2008; it is now five years since I set the psi-field generator in our French domain. Many interesting, surprising and simply unbelievable phenomena, which even fiction writers noted for their gift to foresee the future, were unable to imagine, have taken place under its influence. In fact, a great many inventions predicted by Jules G. Verne later appeared to be very similar to their real world counterparts in a not so remote future! I could go on enumerating the many other fiction writers who predicted the achievements of science and engineering and even the organization of a future society in their works. I read a lot of science-fiction books, both scientific and unscientific early in my childhood and my interest in science fiction did not wane.

However, faced with reality, in which I participated, I was astonished at my discovery of the fact that the majority of the science-fiction writers’ fantasies were held captive to the generally accepted concepts. Yes, many of them managed to peep into the future, but ... it was a future within the limits of the “Procrustean bed” of current “scientific” concepts. The understanding of this fact came to me when I began to do things which other people considered fantastic. The farther along my path I moved, the more the real results of what I did, which could be “touched by hands”, dif-fered from the version of both official “science” and that of science-fiction writers! As I progressed in my understanding of nature, this state of affairs both with science and science-fiction became clearer to me.

Modern science dug a grave for itself with its own “hands”. Being guided by mechanistic materialism, Vulgarmaterialismus, (Germ.), which social parasites palmed off on it at the right time, modern science created devices which allowed it to penetrate into the micro and macrocosm. As a result, modern science accumulated an enormous amount of facts which totally contradicted its theoretical concepts, thus, refuting its own theoretical foundation. The last “clod of earth” which it threw on its own “grave” was the official confession that modern science has some “knowledge” of only about 10% of the matter of the Universe, and knows nothing at all about the other 90%! The only thing they are able to do is to call this 90% “dark matter”!

  Magnolia Soulangiana «Lennei»   Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Verbanica»   Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Verbanica»   Magnolia «Iolannthe»   Magnolia «Iolannthe»   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Verbanica»   Magnolia «Verbanica»   Magnolia «Ricki»   Magnolia «Ricki»   Magnolia «Betty»   Magnolia «Betty»   Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Iolannthe»   Magnolia Soulangiana – hybrid «Iolannthe»   Magnolia «Iolannthe»   Magnolia «Iolannthe»   Magnolia «Iolannthe»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia Soulangiana «Lennei»   Magnolia Soulangeana   Magnolia Soulangeana   Magnolia «Atlas»   Magnolia «Atlas»   Vigorously growing magnolias   Magnolia «Iolannthe»   Magnolia «Betty»   Magnolia «Atlas»   Magnolia «Betty»   Magnolia «Atlas»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia jungle   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Susan»   Magnolia «Butterflies»   Magnolia «Butterflies»   Magnolia «Butterflies»   Magnolia «Butterflies»   Magnolias in 2003   Magnolias in 2008   Magnolias in 2008   Magnolia «Verbanica»

  Magnolia «Verbanica»   Magnolia «Verbanica»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Gigantea   Sequoia Gigantea   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Cedrus Deodara   Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree   Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree   Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree   Araucaria araucana – the monkey puzzle tree   Paulownia tomentosa — Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa — Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa — Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa — Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa — Imperialis   Tree of Heaven — Ailanthus Altissima   Tree of Heaven — Ailanthus Altissima   Catalpa bignoides   Catalpa bignoides   Catalpa bignoides   Catalpa bignoides   Catalpa bignoides   Catalpa bignoides   Catalpa bignoides   Hazel Corylus Colurna   Hazel Corylus Colurna   Hazel Corylus Colurna   Hazel Corylus Colurna   Hazel Corylus Colurna   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.

  The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   Èíæèð – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   Èíæèð – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The fig tree – Ficus carica L.   The Japanese plum – Photinia Japonica   The Japanese plum – Photinia Japonica   ßïîíñêàÿ ñëèâà – Photinia Japonica   The White Lotus – Nelumbo nucifera «alba»   The White Lotus – Nelumbo nucifera «alba»   Passiflora Caeruela   Passiflora Caeruela   Passiflora Amethystina   Passiflora Amethystina   Passiflora Sayonara

  Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Ïàññèôëîðà – Passiflora Sayonara   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam   The red currants  – Ribes vulgare Lam   The blackberries – Rubus Caesius   The blackberries – Rubus Caesius   The blackberries – Rubus Caesius   The blackberries – Rubus Caesius   The blackberries – Rubus Caesius   The blackberries – Rubus Caesius   The blackberries – Rubus Caesius   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry – Rubus daeus   The red raspberry  – Rubus daeus   The yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus   The yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus   Ìàëèíà æ¸ëòàÿ – Rubus ellipticus   The yellow raspberry – Rubus ellipticus   The yellow raspberry  – Rubus ellipticus   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   Êëóáíèêà, ñàäîâàÿ çåìëÿíèêà – Fragaria ananassa

  The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   The strawberry – Fragaria ananassa   Shiitake    Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Shiitake   Royal mushroom – Agaricus Black   Black champignon – Agaricus Black   Agaricus Black   Agaricus Black   Agaricus Bisporus   Amanita Strobiliformis   Coprinus comatus   Asparagus mushrooom   Asparagus mushrooom   Asparagus mushrooom   Asparagus mushrooom   Boletus Luridus   Pleurotus Ostreatus   Pleurotus Ostreatus   Pleurotus Ostreatus   Pleurotus Ostreatus   Xerocomtus badius   Xerocomtus badius   Chalciporus piperarus   Chalciporus piperarus   Boletus luridus   Xerocomus badius   Leccinum holopus   Suillus luteus   Boletus edulis   Boletus edulis   Boletus edulis   Cantharellus tubiformis   Cantharellus tubiformis   Cantharellus tubiformis   Cantharellus tubiformis   Cantharellus tubiformis   Cantharellus   Cantharellus   Cantharellus   Cantharellus   Black armillaria   Armillaria mellea   Flammmulina velutipes   Flammmulina velutipes   Marasmius oreades   Kuehneromyces mutabilis   The stawberry – Fragaria ananassa   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara   Passiflora Sayonara  

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