Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

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Part 8. The Fairy Island. 2009

The awakening of life in spring is always a miracle of Nature! The Sun has only to warm a little more and seemingly dead Nature starts waking up from winter sleep and everything around bursts with vital force. Although this miracle happens every year, it fills the soul with amazement again and again! Yes, it is always a miracle, but what happens in our French domain cannot be called anything other than a miracle within a miracle! Magic or Fairy Island – this name is the most appropriate to describe what we can see there! In fact there is nothing magical in the phenomena called into being in our estate by the working of the psi-generator (dark matter generator) whatsoever, but they indeed look like magic, especially if we compare them with what happens in Nature in France and the rest of our planet!

Despite the indubitable riches and variety of Nature it, nevertheless, acts blindfolded. As I have already written in other articles, Nature does not have consciousness! This conclusion follows from the fact that the plants which belong to one climatic zone cannot live in the conditions of another, even the neighbouring one. Not to mention that if a plant gets into a very distant climatic zone, for example, from the equatorial to the temperate one: being carried from one zone to another which differs so drastically in climatic parameters, the plant dies very quickly. The reason for this is quite clear: it is unable to adapt to new conditions. In fact, when the climate changes, the plants of some particular climatic zone die and other plants which can adjust to the new climatic conditions appear in their place! This is what has been happening for the four billion years of the existence of life on Midgard-earth!

If Nature had reason, it would come to the conclusion that in order to prevent vegetable organisms from dieing when the temperature drops sharply, it would need to prevent the arboreal sap (the blood of plants) from freezing at temperatures below zero! If Nature had reason, it would allot plants the ability to synthesize water, as the absence of water during droughts results in rapid death of most plants and, as a consequence, in the death of the particular ecological system. If Nature had reason, it would transform soil unfavourable for plants into a favourable one or would create such conditions that plants of any climatic zone could grow in any soil, including highly adverse ones (for example, limestone). If Nature had reason, it would create conditions when plants alone could create everything they need for optimal living conditions, because plants are not animals and cannot leave their habitat in order to look for something with more suitable conditions!

  Hyacinths Blue Topaz   Rose Hyacinths   Rose Hyacinths   Hyacinths Blue Topaz   Snow in the Royal valley   Snow in the Royal valley   Everything is inundated   Everything is inundated   Our soil - limestone and red clay   Our soil - limestone and red clay   Rose Hyacinths   Tulips   Hyacinths   Hyacinths   Primula veris L.   Daisies   Viola canina L.   Viola canina L.   Viola canina L.   Chestnut – Castanea 
verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   «Bloody» figs   «Bloody» figs   Cherry – Prunus cerasus L.   Prunus cerasus L.   Prunus cerasus L.   Prunus cerasus L.   Magnolia Soulangeana – hybrid «Iolanthe»   Magnolia Soulangeana – hybrid «Iolanthe»   Magnolia Soulangeana – hybrid «Iolanthe»   Magnolia Soulangeana – hybrid «Iolanthe»   Magnolia Soulangeana – hybrid «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Kobus», Citron   Magnolia «Kobus», Citron   Magnolia «Kobus», Citron   Magnolia «Loebneri», Merill   Magnolia «Loebneri», Merill   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Soulangeana Lenei»

  Magnolia «Betty»   Magnolia «Betty»   Magnolia «Heaven Scent»   Magnolia «Heaven Scent»   Magnolia «Merill», Rosea   Magnolia «Merill», Rosea   Magnolia «Merill», Rosea   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Leonard Meissel»   Blooming apple trees   Blooming apple trees   Japanese plum   Japanese plum   Red raspberries – Rubus daeus   Yellow raspberries – Rubus ellipticus   Yellow raspberries – Rubus ellipticus   Red currants – Ribes vulgares Lam.   Red currants – Ribes vulgares Lam.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Figs   Maitake   Maitake   Champignons   Shitakes   Shitakes   Green grass in March   Cowslips – Primula veris L.   Cowslips – Primula veris L.   Tulips   Tulips   The still sleeping Nature   The still sleeping Nature   The still sleeping Nature   Sparks of green grass   Sparks of green grass   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Soulangeana Lenei»   Magnolia «Soulangeana Lenei»   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»

  Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia «Merill», Rosea   Magnolia «Merill», Rosea   Magnolia «Merill», Rosea   Magnolia Soulangeana «Appolo»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Appolo»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Appolo»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Appolo»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Galaxy»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Galaxy»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Galaxy»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Galaxy»   Magnolia «Kobus», Citron   Magnolia «Georges Henry Kern»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Yellow Bird»   Magnolia «Butterfly»   Magnolia «Butterfly»   Magnolia «Butterfly»   Magnolia «Butterfly»   Magnolia «Butterfly»   Magnolia «Butterfly»   Magnolia «Serena»   Magnolia «Serena»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Honey»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Honey»   Magnolia Soulangeana «Honey»   Magnolia «Linely»   Magnolia «Linely»   Magnolia «Linely»   Magnolia «Ricky»   Magnolia «Ricky»   Blooming Magnolias   Blooming Magnolias

  Blooming Magnolias   Blooming Magnolias   Japanese Camellia «Shintsukasa»   Japanese Camellia «Shintsukasa»   Rosa floribunda   Tulip tree 
– Liriodendron Tulipifera   Tulip tree 
– Liriodendron Tulipifera   Maple   Maple   Maple   Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Green lace»   Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Green lace»   Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Green lace»   Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Green lace»   Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Green lace»   Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Fire glow»   Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Fire glow»   Lusitanian cherry-laurel – Prunus laurocerasus L.   Lusitanian cherry-laurel – Prunus laurocerasus L.   Lusitanian cherry-laurel – Prunus laurocerasus L.   Lusitanian cherry-laurel – Prunus laurocerasus L.   Photinia Japonica   Photinia Japonica   Japanese cherry, variety “Kanzan”   Japanese cherry, variety “Kanzan”   Japanese cherry, variety “Kanzan”   Wild cherry – Prunus cerotina «Globulus»   Wild cherry – Prunus cerotina «Globulus»   Ãðóøà «Øàíòèêëåðà» – Pyrus «Chanticleer» pear   Pyrus «Chanticleer» pear   Pyrus «Chanticleer» pear   Pyrus «Chanticleer» pear   Tilia tomentosa   Tilia tomentosa   Tilia tomentosa   Tilia tomentosa   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Young figs   Young figs   Young figs   Young figs   Young figs   Young figs   Young figs   Young figs

  Red raspberry – Rubus daeus   Red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam.   Red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Golden currants   Gooseberry – Ribes uva-crspa L.   Strawberries   Strawberries   Strawberries   Forest strawberries – Fragana vesca L.   Forest strawberries – Fragana vesca L.   Unknown flowering bush   Unknown flowering bush   Tulips   Tulips   Tulips   Tulips   Tulips   Tulips   Cowslips – Primula veris L.   Cowslips – Primula veris L.   Cowslips – Primula veris L.   Dandelions   Dandelions   Daisies   Daisies   Champignons   Maitake   Unknown mushrooms   Green park   Green park   Green park   Green park   Apricot trees in April

© Nicolai Levashov, 2009

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Part 8 +. Magic goes on. 2009

"...the seeds of a plant which disappeared long time ago, probably millions of years ago came back to life in dramatically different environmental conditions because of the influence of the psi-field generator. Their "spring" of life could "straighten" up only in the active area of the dark matter generator which both replenished the dormant seeds with life-force and created absolutely new properties and qualities which revived this plant after a millennial sleep. ..» 165 illustrations.

  Japanese maple «Fire glow» 
– Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Fire glow»   Japanese maple «Fire glow» 
– Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Fire glow»   Japanese maple «Green lace» 
– Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Green lace»   Japanese maple «Green lace» 
– Acer Palmatum Japonicum «Green lace»   Japanese cherry «Kanzan»   Japanese cherry «Kanzan»   Japanese cherry «Kanzan»   Japanese cherry «Kanzan»   Lusitanian cherry-laurel 
– Prunus laurocerasus L.   Lusitanian cherry-laurel 
– Prunus laurocerasus L.   Chestnut  – Castanea verca 
Gaerth.   Chestnut  – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut  – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Chestnut  – Castanea verca Gaerth.   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis.   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Paulownia tomentosa Imperialis   Chinese ash-tree – Ailanthus altissima   Chinese ash-tree – Ailanthus altissima   Laburnum «Vossi» – 
Laburnum x watereri «Vossi»   Laburnum «Vossi» – 
Laburnum x watereri «Vossi»   Spiny broom – Calicotome villosa   Spiny broom – Calicotome villosa   Devil’s walking stick – Aralia spinosa   Devil’s walking stick – Aralia spinosa   Devil’s walking stick – Aralia spinosa   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Monkey puzzle tree – Araucaria araucana   Wisteria chinensis   Wisteria chinensis   Wisteria chinensis   Wisteria chinensis f. Alba   Wisteria chinensis f. Alba   Tulip tree   Judas-tree – Cersis siliquastrum   Judas-tree – Cersis siliquastrum   Maple   Magnolia Liliflora «Orchid»

  Magnolia «Angel skin»   Magnolia «Elvina»   Magnolia «Elvina»   Magnolia «Elvina»   Magnolia «Ricky»   Magnolia «Ricky»   Magnolia «Ricky»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Magnolia «Lotus»   Silver linden-tree  – Tilia tomentosa   Silver linden-tree  – Tilia tomentosa   Silver linden-tree  – Tilia tomentosa   Silver linden-tree  – Tilia tomentosa   Figs in Apri   Fig leaves   Fig leaves   Figs in Apri   Figs in Apri   Figs in Apri   Figs in May   Figs in May   «Golden» figs   «Golden» figs   «Golden» figs   «Golden» figs   «Bloody» figs   Gooseberries in April   Gooseberries in April   Gooseberries in May   Gooseberries in May   Red currant – Ribes vulgare Lam.   Red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam.   Red currants – Ribes vulgare Lam.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Black currants – Ribes nigrum L.   Whortleberries – Vaccinium myrtilus L.   Yellow raspberries – Rubus ellipticus   Red raspberries – Rubus daeus   Red raspberries – Rubus daeus

  Red raspberries – Rubus daeus   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries in April   Strawberries   Strawberries   Strawberries   Strawberries   Wild strawberries – Fragaria vesca L.   Wild strawberries – Fragaria vesca L.   Wild strawberries – Fragaria vesca L.   Wild strawberries – Fragaria vesca L.   Red raspberries in May   Red raspberries in May   Red raspberries – Rubus daeus   Red raspberries – Rubus daeus   Red currants in May   «Moisson» figs   «Golden» figs   «Golden» figs   «Honey» figs   «Honey» figs   Japanese plum   Paulownia Imperialis   Paulownia Imperialis   Tulip tree   Tulip tree   Tulip tree   Arum lily 
– Lysichiton camtschatcensis   Arum lily 
– Lysichiton camtschatcensis   Arum lily 
– Lysichiton camtschatcensis   Arum lily 
– Lysichiton camtschatcensis   Arum lily 
– Lysichiton camtschatcensis   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Wild orchids   Iris germanica   Iris germanica   Iris germanica   Iris germanica   Daisies   Forget-me-nots   An unknown mushroom   Rose mushroom   Rose mushroom   White mushrooms   White mushrooms   White mushrooms   Young champignons   Cortinarius triumpauss Fr.   Cortinarius triumpauss Fr.   Armillaria   Scotch bonnet

© Nicolai Levashov, 2009.

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