Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

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Part 10. Forward into the Future. 2010-2011

In memory of Svetlana

By the end of my last article "The Source of Life-9" I had covered everything occurring in our French domain under the influence of the "psi-field" or "dark matter" generator up until May 2010 when I stopped highlighting. Such a long break in the coverage was due to the fact that in May my main concern was military actions against parasites which had just gone mad and started attacking us; Svetlana particularly strongly, and almost continuously in all possible ways and at all levels. After one of the blows to the brain Svetlana had lain in bed for over a month, during which time I restored her memory, which they had aimed to destroy but failed. Svetlana, only slightly recovered from the blow, began working on chapters of her book and preparing her new books for which she gathered the vast amount of material.

Her first book and the future, almost ready, ones were more dangerous than nuclear weapons for the parasites. She only had had to arrange and write down everything, and new chapters of her autobiography and the first chapters of her new books would have been ready. She hurried very much to do that job and, having not fully regained her strength after such a blow, did not spare herself. The parasites had not stopped trying, but on the contrary, seeing that one of the blows had almost reached their goal, stepped up their attacks. Svetlana nevertheless found time between all of these in order to take photos for the next article from the series "The Source of Life". So, nothing disappeared...

  Svetlana's beloved magnolias   Magnolia Soulangeana «Galaxy»   Ribes vulgare Lam   Ribes vulgare Lam   Ribes nigrum L.   Ribes rubrum   Hyacinthus orientalis L.   Ïåðâîöâåò âåñåííèé Primula veris L.   Primula veris L.   Primula veris L.   Fig tree Ficuscarica L.   Ficuscarica L.   «Moisson» fig variety   «Moisson» fig variety   «Moisson» fig variety   «Moisson» fig variety   «Moisson» fig variety   «Moisson» fig variety   Èíæèð ñîðòîâ «Êðîâàâûé» è «Ìåäîâûé» â ðóêàõ Ñâåòëàíû   «Bloody   «Bloody   «Bloody   Photina Japonica   Ïëîäû Ñëèâû ßïîíñêîé Photina Japonica   Ïëîäû Ñëèâû ßïîíñêîé Photina Japonica   Photina Japonica   Fragaria vesca L.   Boletus edulis   Boletus edulis   Boletus edulis   Boletus edulis   Boletus edulis   Boletus edulis   Yellow Russula (Russula claroflava)   Yellow Russula (Russula claroflava)   Pink Oyster (Pleurotus Djamor)   Pink Oyster (Pleurotus Djamor)   Rubus Caesius, 2008   Rubus Caesius, 2009   Rubus Caesius, 2010

  Rubus Caesius, 2010   Rubus Caesius, 2010   Rubus Caesius, 2010   Coprinus comatusu   Coprinus comatusu   Âîëîñàòûé íàâîçíèê – Coprinus comatusu   Coprinus comatusu   Asparagus mushroom   Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)   Champignons   Blooming violets in late November   Blooming violets in late November   Rose buds in late November   Loquats-Eriobotria Photina Japonica    Loquats-Eriobotria Photina Japonica   Ðinus wallichiana   Ðinus wallichiana   Ðinus wallichiana   Ðinus wallichiana   Ðinus wallichiana   Ðinus wallichiana   Cedar Deodar young shoots   Cedar Deodar young shoots   Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Êåäðû ãîëóáûå – Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Êåäðû ãîëóáûå – Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Êåäðû ãîëóáûå – Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Ñåêâîéÿ – Sequoia Sempervirens   Ñåêâîéÿ – Sequoia Sempervirens   Ñåêâîéÿ – Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Sequoia Sempervirens   Dew in January   Dew in January   Araucaria araucana   Araucaria araucana   Araucaria araucana   Àðàóêàðèÿ ÷èëèéñêàÿ (Araucaria araucana)   Araucaria araucana   Araucaria araucana   Àðàóêàðèÿ ÷èëèéñêàÿ (Araucaria araucana)   Ãðèáû Ìàéòàêå (Grifona frondosa)   The Maitake (Grifona frondosa)   The Maitake (Grifona frondosa)   Rose buds, January 2011   Rose buds, January 2011   Strawberries, January 2011   Magnolia «Wada’s picture»   Magnolia «Star Wars»   Magnolias, January 2011   Magnolias, January 2011   Magnolias, January 2011   Magnolias, January 2011   Magnolias, January 2011

  The cherry blossom, January 2011   The cherry blossom, January 2011   Primula Veris L.   Viola canina L.   Viola canina L.   Hyacinthus orientalis L.   Pink Hyacinth   Daisies   Unknown flower   Magnolias   Magnolias   Magnolias   Magnolias   Magnolias «Iolanthe»   Magnolias «Iolanthe»   Magnolia «Cobus»   Magnolia «Cobus»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolia  «Galaxy»   Magnolia «Royal Crown»   Magnolias in Svetlana's garden   Magnolias in Svetlana's garden   Magnolias in Svetlana's garden   Magnolias in Svetlana's garden  

© Nicolai Levashov, 2011 ã.

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