Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

Part 7+. The New Year surprises go on

Photographs taken by my wife Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov

The first two weeks of 2009 were snowy and frosty in France. Everything was covered with an immaculate white snow carpet and the temperature reached -20 degrees Celsius! The weather was strikingly reminiscent of the Russian New-year and surely was quite unexpected for Frenchmen, Spaniards and Italians. It was the most real Russian winter (Fig. 1)! But the thaw came unexpectedly on the Old New Year, a holiday which the inhabitants of the former Soviet Union adore and celebrate on a grand scale, but is strange for the rest of the world. The snow completely disappeared and the frosts went off to “celebrate” the holiday!

Svetlana took advantage of the occasion and impatiently went to carry out a reconnaissance being armed with a camera. To her utter astonishment she took her first “prisoners” right near our castle. They were champignons which had stealthily approached very close to the “staff”. Despite their young age, they were of very impressive size. Evidently, secret agent-champignons took advantage of the snow shield so that nobody would expect them to be found so close-by (Fig. 2)! They had time only to show their caps camouflaging themselves in bright green grass and hiding behind leaves, which did not help them much: some of them were taken photo-prisoner, and some were even less lucky — they got to a frying pan! But before I continue describing the interrogation of “prisoners”, I would like to pay attention to fresh and green grass and the plants’ dense young leaves! It is somehow difficult to imagine that the picture was taken on January 15, 2009 (Fig. 3)! Nevertheless, this is so! In order to dispel possible doubts, have a look at the photo where the newspaper dated January 14, 2009 plays the role of “witness” (Fig. 4).

The leaves command attention with their saturated green colour and wax-like coating, and, certainly, by their size. The photo was taken on January 15, 2009, but there was snow and frost early on the night of 13th to 14th of January! Furthermore, the soil is still deep-frozen and nothing should grow in it… but the plants grow, and by the way, very quickly! In fact, these champignons were obviously still quite young, because their stems were not yet fully formed and their caps had not acquired the form of an umbrella! Nevertheless, the size of these youngsters is very impressive: 12-14 cm in diameter (Fig. 5)! We can only surmise what size they will reach when they grow up! Again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they appeared out of deep-frozen soil in the middle of January! As we can see each champignon’s body is healthy and dense, the leg is clean and strong, as though the temperature was not minus 20 degrees Celsius and the snow and ice had not covered everything around, including soil! According to Svetlana’s words (she became the first person ever to taste winter mushrooms), they are dense, fleshy and very delicious!

However, I would like to draw your attention not only to the champignons in these pictures. Look at the grass in which our champignons grow: it is emerald-green, without any signs of congelation or frost-bite! When the snow blanket thawed under the warm sunrays, we could see an ocean of green grass washed by icy dew! For comparison I give you the photo of the June champignon of 2008, also in the grass (Fig. 6). Oddly enough, the January grass looks greener and brighter than the June one, although there was none of the heat so usual in France, in June, 2008: it was cold and rainy during the whole of May; for more details about this see “The Source of life–5” from where this picture was taken. The Fig. 6 of this article corresponds to Fig. 53 of the “Source of life-5”. So, everything is in a strict chronologic order!

Again, it would seem that this kind of thing cannot be, but it is real and material which should calm the most arrant sceptics. By the way, the January grass in the photos with mushrooms is not the brightest and greenest. Look at it in the glades which have just peeked out from under the snow cover. Isn’t it impressive (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8)?!

Winter in our estate


Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.


Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.


Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.


Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.


Champignon – Agaricus campestris Fr.


Green grass in January


Green grass in January


There is no sign of congelation and frost-bite. The grass is in “perfect shape”: lush, emerald-green and, which is most important, alive (Fig. 9). Raindrops which fell after the snow look quite natural on it, but… the unbelievable fact is that Svetlana took this photo on January 17, 2009, just several days after the snow thawed, and -20 degree frosts “went” away!

I would like to remind readers again that the soil was thoroughly frozen for two weeks from the beginning of January, 2009 and did not have time to thaw. Besides, although the frosts are gone, the real warmth is still two or three months away! This means that the grass grew in soil still frozen! The height of the grass indicates that it either grew very quickly (in two or three days) after the snow melted and the temperature sharply changed from biting frost to considerably above zero, or it grew under the snow at 20 degrees below! Both options are incredible!

The emerald grass grows on the whole territory of our domain! Several days ago everything was still thoroughly covered with snow and now everything is green! Only the absence of flowers and leaves on magnolias caduc (meaning deciduous) indicates that it is not spring or summer (Fig. 10)! The grass is green not only around our castle; it is green everywhere in our domain (Fig. 11)! On glancing at these photos, someone may think that this happens not only in our domain, but in the rest of France too, clutching at this idea, as at a straw! Who knows what happens in France!? In France exactly the same happens as in Russia in autumn and winter, especially after frosts and snow — the grass dies and dries out, acquiring that cheerless light-brown colour so familiar to everyone! “But these are only words”, — sceptics may say, clutching at the next straw, unwilling to acknowledge the new phenomenon!

But this “straw” will not help either! The fact of the matter is that fresh light-emerald grass in January does not grow everywhere in France, but only within the bounds of our domain (Fig. 12), because the psi-field (“dark” matter) generator covers only the territory of our domain and outside everything takes place as usual! There are places where our domain is separated from that of our neighbours only by a wire fence through which last year's dried-up grass is perfectly visible and such a cheerless view opens before our eyes right up to the horizon! The delineation is so knife-edge sharp that the area with the dry grass begins right at the wire fence (Fig. 13)! Furthermore, there are no islets of green grass, even the smallest, in the sea of last year's dry grass outside our domain (in other words, outside the active area of the psi-field generator)!

The words are unnecessary — it is better to see something once than to hear about it one hundred times! Such is the saying, but in this case it does not reflect the essence fully: even thousands or millions of words are unable to convince a sceptic that this kind of thing is possible! In this case only a photo can do it, because it is impossible to trust in such things relying only on words!

Not only did the cheerful-green grass appear from under the snow! The woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) pretty boldly let out new leaves from the still frozen soil in the glades of our domain, fearing nothing (Fig. 14). Here is what can be found about the wild strawberry in reference books:

"…It is a perennial plant from the family Rosaceae. The height is up to 30 cm. It has a short horizontal or slanting rhizome thickly covered with dead leaf remains. The leaves are trifoliate, on long petioles covered with thick silky hairs, as is the whole plant. The above-ground vegetative shoots (runners) which can reach 70 cm and generative floral stems grow from the bosoms of the leaves. The floriferous stems are upright and leafless. The flowers are dioecious, white with double cup gathered in the top of the stem into a corymbose inflorescence with few flowers.

The fruit is a false red berry which consists of an overgrowing receptacle of conical shape with numerous achenes (real fruits) on it. It propagates by seed, offsets (runners) and division of plants. It flowers at the end of May — June; the fruits ripen at the end of June — July. It is wide-spread in the European part of Russia, Western and East Siberia, the Caucasus and Middle Asia. It grows in fresh sandy loam and loamy soils of pine, mixed and deciduous forests, in glades, clearings, at forest edges, among bushes and on the slopes of hills. It bears fruits especially abundantly in fresh clearings for the first two years…". (Dictionary of “Medicinal herbs” by Putyrsky I.N., Prokhorov V.N. Published by “Knizny Dom”, 2005).

It is January 17 and the frosts have just disappeared, but the woodland strawberry looks as if it is May; only two days passed since the snow thawed, but spring did not immediately follow, although it did rain very heavily. Certainly, it was water that fell from the sky, however, not in the form of frozen, amazing in their beauty, snowflakes which the Snow Queen ingeniously designed, but as ordinary drops which we call rain. However, this is not spring rain which treads with softer shoes than the winter kind. The latter still carries the cold of the Snow Queen, because it is nothing but thawed snowflakes which turn into raindrops whilst falling down to earth. Adding to this the still deep-frozen soil, we are very far from having pleasant May weather! But have a look at the photo: the leaves of the woodland strawberry are emerald-green and sparkle with vital force (Fig. 15).

A couple of days after thawing were enough for small young ones to reach the size of the adult plants (Fig. 16) which means that we could see flowering soon, in January or February which is incredible too!

Green grass in January


Green grass around the castle in January


Green grass in January


Such a different grass!


Such a different grass!


Woodland strawberry – Fragaria vesca L.


Woodland strawberry – Fragaria vesca L.


Strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


In fact our strawberry plants bore fruits till the middle of December and only a month has passed as the diligent strawberry again prepares itself for the new season of 2009 (Fig. 17)! Observing these small bushes, one cannot say that they are “tired” of fruiting, which they did in 2008 for nine months!

Iris germanica showed its sharp, looking like knives, leaves! Everyone will recognize this well-known plant just glancing at its beautiful flower (Fig. 18)! Although the name Iris came into “fashion” in the second half of the 19th century, its folk names are still preserved and used: in Russia it is called “Cockerels”, in Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia — Perunika, named in honour of the Slavonic God Perun. Certainly, Irises are not flowering in our domain yet, but the very fact that in the middle of January its leaf-knives started to push through vigorously is incredible (Fig. 19).

In fact Iris does not tolerate low temperatures and at spring frosts of -1…-3 degrees Celsius its leaves die. It flowers in summer and if there is a drop of temperature, Iris’s flowers die too. So, Irises which appeared in the as yet unthawing soil on the second day after the snow has melted and severe frosts have gone is a miracle! The thawing does not mean that spring has come: despite the fact that the day temperature is above zero, it is still cold at night, because the deep-frozen soil still keeps cold in itself. Therefore the appearance of Iris’s leaf-knives is incredible, just as is the fact that they continue to grow in the frozen soil (Fig. 20).

A native of Asian tropics and subtropics, Jasmimum primulinum (Japanese Jasmine or Primrose Jasmine) surprised us too. This pretty heat-loving evergreen requires a winter temperature of +16…+18 degrees Сelsius! There are about 200 types of Jasmine and all of them inhabit the tropics and subtropics of Asia, Africa and South America! Only two or three days passed since the snow and a temperature of -20 degrees Celsius disappeared and the leaves of our Jasmine glitter with their waxen-like coating (Fig. 21) and they are not young leaves, but the “adult” ones! Have a look at just born leaves (2) and be sure that large leaves did not grow in the two or three days which passed after the snow had thawed (Fig. 22)! This means that our Primrose Jasmine kept all its leaves under snow and at -20 degrees Celsius which were observed in the Royal valley in the first two weeks of January, 2009! So Jasmimum primulinum is another evergreen inhabitant of tropics and subtropics which, being in the active area of the psi-field generator survived; not only did the main plant survive biting frosts, but also its leaves calmly endured frosts and snow, and after these weather ordeals looks very fresh!

By the way, some words about other evergreen habitants of tropics and subtropics. Another “Japanese”, Photinia Japonica (Japanese plum) took the winter “beauty treatment” again and its leaves too look younger and fresher after biting frosts (Fig. 23). The ovaries began their winter ripening! It already became the norm, which is considered impossible outside our domain and out of active area of the psi-field (“dark” matter) generator. In the famous Russian fairy-tale “The Twelve months” snowdrops bloom in the New Year, but only after the Months consecutively and quickly replace each other, taking the highest place by the fire around which all Twelve Months of the Year sat in the winter forest. There is no quick change of seasons in the active area of the generator, the natural course of time is not violated; the plants of almost all climatic areas “simply” live and thrive and bear fruit almost all year around!

Strawberry – Fragaria ananassa


Iris germanica


Iris germanica in January


Iris germanica in January


Jasmimum primulinum


Jasmimum primulinum


Photinia Japonica


Inflorescences in January


Some plants have already showed their inflorescences (Fig. 24), the state of the leaves of others is also very impressive (Fig. 25 and Fig. 26), because there should not be a single leaf left after deadly frosts lasting two weeks around-the-clock! However, as we can see they are not only alive, but also are in perfect shape and the leaves of these evergreens don’t always look this healthy even in their natural habitat. Thus, evergreens start corresponding to their name in reality! It is also of interest that almost all evergreens of our domain became literally ever -bearing — these heat-loving tender creatures grow and produce fruits at temperatures below zero!

Indeed, we have every reason to be surprised! Isn’t it amazing that the Passiflora’s fruits ripen in biting frost and have no sign of congelation whatsoever. Fresh tropical fruits ripen on vines at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius below zero!!! It is also of interest that the deciduous plants shed their leaves in autumn and only the evergreens of tropics, subtropics, subequatorial and equatorial zones, which do not shed all leaves in their Motherland allowed us to observe a phenomenon absolutely impossible in nature! Thus, the critical environmental conditions forced the creation of fundamentally new qualities and properties in plants which should only exist in certain climatic zones in Nature!

Not only evergreens became the heroes of the winter fairy-tale in our domain! Right after the snow thawed the buds of other plants swelled very quickly and they let out their new leaves to meet the winter Sun (Fig. 27), although the latter is not in a hurry to show!

Maitakes perfectly endured the snow and biting frosts: yet before the earth got its snow coverlet and frosts struck at the beginning of the New Year, the first mother mycelium created its filial mycelia (more details in “The Source of life–7” and Fig. 62). These little mycelia were hidden under pretty deep snow and ignored the attack of biting frost! In two weeks seven new Maitake mycelia of quite big size appeared from under the thawed snow before our eyes (Fig. 28, Fig. 29, Fig. 30, Fig. 31 and Fig. 32)!

Evergreen plants in January


Evergreen plants in January


Evergreen plants in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


The most interesting thing in all this is that our Maitake grow quicker in almost pure limestone than in their traditional places — stumps and dead wood! Thus, Maitake’s mycelia developed a fundamentally new, for them, growing environment — pure limestone on which mushrooms, and furthermore Maitake, should not grow at all!

Armillarias appeared after the thaw which was the next, (but already usual for us), surprise (Fig. 33).

When the snow disappeared, nice sunny weather lasted only a couple of days and on January 17 the cold winter rain began to water still frozen soil unmercifully, almost around-the-clock. The temperature was around zero degrees Celsius and there was a strong mainly southwesterly wind blowing, which periodically strengthened to hurricane force gusts; and in the night of the 24th to 25th of January a strong hurricane blasted the coast of Western Europe, and France in particular. It lost its force in our domain and caused no harm: the extinguishing system which I created liquidated the threatening strength of wind. Unfortunately, a lot of people suffered from this hurricane and it caused substantial losses in Western Europe. So, it rained for two weeks and almost everything was inundated and one extreme environmental condition changed into another!

Although limestone does not retain water, there is a layer of clay at the level of ground water and when the water fills all the micro-cavities through the whole layer of limestone, it will then stand in any low area. If we take into account that our castle is on the hill over the river, it will be clear how much water must have fallen for the last two weeks for limestone to look so “swamped” (Fig. 34, Fig. 35 and Fig. 36)!

Nevertheless, in such extreme conditions eighteen filial Maitake mycelia appeared over two weeks (Fig. 37 and Fig. 38)! Moreover, each mushroom in these mycelia was several times bigger than any mushroom of the mother mycelium (Fig. 39 and Fig. 40)!

Armillaria mellea


Too much water even for limestone


Too much water even for limestone


Too much water even for limestone


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


It is also of interest that the mushrooms of some filial mycelium acquired another colour — they became light-creamy (Fig. 41). It is quite possible that there is a Maitake of such a colour somewhere, but we had not seen them within the bounds of our domain!

Clitocybe aurantiaca or the false Chanterelle was found on the stumps (Fig. 42, Fig. 43 and Fig. 44)! In normal environmental conditions it appears in July and shows off to the end of August, but not a single reference book mentions that this edible mushroom can appear in the middle of January! In this case, as well as in all other cases, the plants’ “deceived” biological clock is completely out of the question, because there was snow and biting frost in the first half of January in France, but after they went the weather did not pamper the plants with heat. Cold rains, the day temperature near zero and light frost at night and sometimes in day-time — all this together cannot resemble the July-August heat!

Obviously the January weather does not perplex another plant, the name of which is not defined yet (Fig. 45), however we are sure that it cannot be referred to as hardy. But look at it: the inflorescences became bigger over the course of ten days after the first photo was taken and each bud acquired a tender lilac shade (Fig. 46). Soon these buds will open and present its small, but beautiful flowers to the world!

Other evergreens which appeared from under snow did not waste any time. For ten days they not only grew on all sides (Fig. 47) but also their leaves became considerably bigger (Fig. 48)!

Maitake Grifola frondosa in January


False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca


False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca


False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca


An unknown yet plant


An unknown yet plant


Evergreen plants in January


Evergreen plants in January


Other plants the names of which we also have not yet succeeded in finding appeared through the carpet of last year’s leaves (Fig. 49, Fig. 50 and Fig. 51).

Small plants of a well known strawberry reached very notable size in a very short time after the thaw (Fig. 52). Figs again appeared on naked branches and by January 25 became quite big and will be mature soon (Fig. 53)!

An unknown yet plant


An unknown yet plant


An unknown yet plant


Strawberry in January


Figs in January


We continue to observe newer and newer surprises presented by both our “old” acquaintances and quite recent ones which died out hundreds of years ago!

Nicolai Levashov, January 28, 2009

P.S. Trials go on

Indeed, January presented unexpected surprises. First, there was snow during the first two weeks and frosts near 20 degrees Celsius below zero! Then it got warm sharply and almost incessant cold winter rains lasted for two more weeks. During the last week of January Europe was lashed by storms accompanied by squally gusts of wind. It again became very cold sharply at the beginning of February, so that the drops of rain froze failing to fall on earth and dressed green leaves, branches of trees and bushes in the Snow Queen’s icy garments. The ice armour covered the branches of fig trees where figs continue to ripen (Fig. 54).

In the night from 1st to 2nd of February, the temperature changed from five degrees Celsius above zero to six degrees Celsius below zero! In January, 2009, the figs threw off their snow “fur coat” and continued to ripen in the weak daily light that pushed through solid leaden clouds which poured cold streams of water everywhere. Nature decided to “experiment” with sweets and created a new delicacy — a fig in ice! Have a look at almost mature fig of the “Golden” variety fully covered with icy glaze (Fig. 55).

Owing to an unexpected and sharp temperature drop, there was a unique possibility to see not only a ripening in January fig in icy glaze, but also the Japanese plum’s evergreen leaves with icicles hanging down (Fig. 56) and the branches are covered with the ice armour (Fig. 57). Most likely it was raining heavily when frost struck unexpectedly, and the drops of rain froze thereby failing to flow down to earth from the leaves! Nevertheless, frost of 6 degrees Celsius below zero is nothing for the Japanese plum, compared with two weeks of -20 degrees Celsius, so the Japanese plum continues the winter ripening!

The branches of sequoias and cedars on which icicles hang like icy cones look incredibly beautiful. Indeed, not every day one has the opportunity to see such a picture, more precisely — it is almost impossible to see it anywhere! The water froze on the tips of branches as if the Snow Queen hung big clear diamonds on them (Fig. 58). It is a pity that these “diamonds” will thaw when the temperature rises (Fig. 59, Fig. 60 and Fig. 61).

Figs ripening in winter


a fig in ice


Japanese plum in ice


Japanese plum in ice


Sequoias in ice


Sequoias in ice


Sequoias in ice


Cedars in ice


It is also weird to see the monkey puzzle tree clothed in icicles (Fig. 62 and Fig. 63)!

The frost put ice armour on the magnolias’ buds which had just began to swell with vital force (Fig. 64): the icy tender fluff of magnolias buds looks quite unreal. It seems that the Snow Queen cannot agree that leaves and grass should be allowed to dare to become green, or flowers to blossom and trees to bear fruit during her rule! Therefore she sends her faithful servants to stop the “scandal”, covering everything with an icy glaze which brings death to every living thing (Fig. 65). Seeing the way the water froze we can say that the Snow Queen’s icy breath took Nature by surprise! The drops of rain which had gathered into little brooks froze very quickly, almost instantly, a second before the enormous drops should have fallen from branches and leaves… but could not do it! The same fate befell the buds of the Japanese maple (Acer Palmatum Discectum) which just began to swell (Fig. 66)!

The Snow Queen’s deadly breath touched the evergreen bush which was already ready to open its inflorescences (Fig. 67) as it did oyster mushrooms which have just shown their caps (Fig. 68) despite their hiding between the last year’s leaves! The same happened with Maitake’s filial mycelia which became enormous by January 31. They grew especially vigorously in the last week of January: wherein there were two or three mushrooms a week ago, there is a quite notable number now (Fig. 69).

The monkey puzzle tree clothed in icicle


The monkey puzzle tree clothed in icicle


Magnolias buds in ice armour


Magnolias buds in ice armour


Japanese maple in ice


Frozen inflorescence


An oyster mushroom


Maitake's mycelia in January


Little filial mycelia were converted into pretty substantial ones (Fig. 70 and Fig. 71)! !

Life raged in January also in the evergreen magnolia Grandiflora. It perfectly endured the temperature of 20 degrees below zero and thick snow cover in the first half of January and, in the second half, let out young shoots and enormous young light-green leaves which are perfectly visible against the background of their elder dark-green brothers (Fig. 72 and Fig. 73)!

The “enemy” blow was unexpected and swift, but it resulted in almost nothing!

The ice armour had thawed by the next day and everything was safe and sound, as though nothing happened and there had been no icy glaze whatsoever! The Japanese plums showed evergreen leaves to the Sun on February 3! The leaves which “hatched” from the icy shell are stronger and even more green and lush, and now they have also become “ice-proof” (Fig. 74 and Fig. 75). Moreover, almost all leaves survived the icy captivity, not just some of them (Fig. 76). The grass successfully repulsed the icy attack too. It remained lush and green in the glades after the almost solid ice armour had thawed (Fig. 77)!

Maitake's mycelia in January


Maitake's mycelia in January


Magnolia Grandiflora in January


Magnolia Grandiflora in January


The Japanese plum liberated from the icy shell


The Japanese plum liberated from the icy shell


The Japanese plum liberated from the icy shell


Glades remain green after thawing


The evergreen bushes preserved their green leaves and ready to open inflorescences and which remained unharmed by the icy glaze (Fig. 78). The oyster mushrooms even grew a little as soon as were liberated from the icy armour (Fig. 79). False chanterelles did not even notice an icy touch (Fig. 80)... just like all other plants of our domain!

The ice attack resulted in nothing


Oyster mushrooms without ice armour


False Chanterelle – Clitocybe aurantiaca


Nicolai Levashov, February 4, 2009

P.P.S. Our Park after the "Ice Age"

Figs covered with an icy glaze, evergreens’ lush green leaves in icy armour, magnolia buds in transparent ice… Thanks to Svetlana’s photos we witnessed these and many other unbelievable phenomena which displayed themselves to the world in the first days of February, 2009 when everything froze in the night of the 1st to the 2nd of February. Let us see now what happened with plants when it became warmer, the “ice-age” was over and everything melted. Of course, there were frosts before, but this kind of glazing had never been observed here and this makes the situation yet more peculiar!

Before, if frost took the forming buds of magnolias caduc by surprise, they died, and new ones appeared in their place very quickly as happened at the end of January, 2007 (Fig. 81). However, this year the buds continued forming right after the icy glaze melted, as though it had never covered them (Fig. 82)! Incredible! Tender and very sensitive to cold, magnolia buds are filled with vital force as if nothing happened and we can already see the petals peeping out of their fluffy external covers (Fig. 83 and Fig. 84).

The ice armour thawed the next day, the 3rd of February, and one surely would have expected all living things held captive by the ice to die! It certainly would happen in any other place, but this extreme and normally ruinous natural phenomenon did not render its fatal action in the active area of the psi-field generator! It showed especially clearly in the conduct and reaction of tropical and subequatorial plants, for example, the Japanese plum (Photinia Japonica). A week passed after the ice cover had gone, and if it had influenced our plants somehow, its consequences would have undoubtedly manifested in the leaves of the Japanese plum (Fig. 85).

The Japanese plum is not the only one that should have reacted to “glaciation”! All the evergreens should have turned black and withered, but nothing of the kind happened with them or any other plants in our park and garden! They continue to show off under winter Sun filled with vital force. Having an accumulative effect, the influence of the psi-field (“dark” matter) generator finally reached a level when almost all plants acquired new qualities which they never had in Nature!

The very fact that plants absorb these new qualities so well indicates that the developmental potential of vegetable forms has not been exhausted yet, but is just limited by purely natural factors and the absence of independent consciousness, or reason, in Nature! If it had, (even within the bounds of one planet), then plants would possess a non-freezing arboreal juice, autonomous synthesis of water and other similar qualities, acquired a long time ago. The absence of these properties and qualities in plants indicates a blind method of selection in Nature which in no way depreciates it, but obviously specifies the absence of a reasoning basis in it...

However, let us get back to our plants.

The evergreen magnolia Grandiflora continues to please our eyes with its succulent, enormous dark-green leaves, looking on which it is very hard to imagine that they were covered with an ice crust just a week ago (Fig. 86). The leaves of Japanese Jasmine feel themselves, perfectly green, already “forgetting” that quite recently they were in ice captivity (Fig. 87) too. The inflorescence of the still unknown, to us, bushes continue to fill with vital force (Fig. 88 and Fig. 89) acquiring a more pronounced tender light-crimson colour!

Magnolias in January


Magnolias in February


Magnolias in February


Magnolias in February


Japanese plum in February


Magnolia Grandiflora in February


Japanese Jasmine in February


A week after «glaciation»


A well-known to everyone plant, thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), “decided” to flower at the beginning of February, demonstrating its dark-green wedge-shaped leaves and tiny light-violet buds (Fig. 90)! According to reference data Thymus vulgaris L. flowers from May to August! Parsley (Petroselinum neapolitanum) rapidly grows in the beds of our vegetable garden (Fig. 91 and Fig. 92) and its curly leaves please our eyes with its emerald-green colour and succulence. The young leaves of the Spanish sorrel keep pace with parsley (Fig. 93). The strawberry has its first ovaries, despite the fact that it is only the first half of February (Fig. 94).

Primrose (Primula verus L.) has bloomed at the beginning of February too. According to the reference data it flowers from April to July (Fig. 95), not in February! Nevertheless, our primroses bloom, totally “ignoring” this fact. Daisy (Bellis perennis) keeps pace with primrose (Fig. 96)! Again, the reference data indicate that it flowers in the rest of the world from May to August! So, the flowering of our daisy about which it is said “when you can step on a dozen at once in the lawn you know it really is spring” does not blend with Natural laws, but this plant and myriad others in our park and garden does not care about that!

A week after «glaciation»


Thyme – Thymus vulgaris L. blooms in February


Parsley grows in February


Parsley grows in February


Spanish sorrel grows in February


Strawberry's ovaries завязь in February


Primrose blooms in February


Daisy blooms in February


The “glaciation” did not affect the grass which remained green and succulent, despite the fact that it should have been affected quite seriously, because incessant rains during the whole week converted everything into shallow ponds and when they rapidly turned into skating-rinks, the grass found itself frozen into solid ice! But it melted and the grass remained alive and unharmed (Fig. 97) and furthermore, it became even more vivacious (Fig. 98)! If someone thinks that everything described in this article happened outside our domain too, I recommend looking at the photo of February 8, 2009, where the last year's dead grass is still visible and there are no signs of anything flowering or greening (Fig. 99)!

Nothing has changed outside our domain after almost a month has passed since the last photo of January 17, 2009 (Fig. 12)! It is the same cheerless winter scenery! So, what is going on in our domain is not a usual phenomenon for this locality, but on the contrary, it dramatically differs from natural course of events in the Loire Valley, in France and in any other place in the world! So, sceptics have nothing, they cannot fight facts which do not disappear and change at their will! The only thing they can do is to suppress what is going on, but it does not help them much in their opposition to truth! Let us leave sceptics alone and come back to the facts which irritate them so much...

Champignons began to appear from under the earth at the beginning of February so actively, as though competing with other mushrooms in number (Fig. 100). Two or three days were enough for them to reach a quite impressive size (Fig. 101)! Have a look at very young but enormous champignons (Fig. 102). At the same time they are healthy; there are neither worms nor other mushroom illnesses; their body is dense and succulent and they are incredibly tasty (Fig. 103)!

Green grass in February


Green grass in February


Green grass in February


Mushrooms in February


Champignons in February


Mushrooms in February


Champignons in February


Maitakes became bigger with every day


However, the “Japanese” are not in a hurry to yield their leadership! Maitake’s (Grifola frondosa) filial mycelia continue to appear here and there! Every single mushroom of a new mycelium is considerably bigger than that of the “old” one (Fig. 104)! The new mycelia continue to appear both in soil and on stumps (Fig. 105). By the way, let me say some words about stumps! The moss which grows near Maitake is also very unusual, because of its size and the place of growing (Fig. 106)! Sphagnum nemoreum Scop, a bog plant from the class of cormophyte mosses (Bryopsida) usually grows in bogs and swampy places (Fig. 107), which is not exactly what we have in our domain! Our castle is located on the hill, towering over the Loire, on almost pure limestone. So, our domain does not have low-lying areas and bogs! Nevertheless, the bog moss settled on the stumps which are far from bogs and swampy places. Certainly, there is more than enough moisture in winter on the hill too, but water leaves limestone very quickly. It is obvious that the Arum lilies were not the only ones that “decided” to develop a new habitat!

Well, coming back to Maitakes which came up with new surprises almost every week…

Their form, size and colour change with almost fairy-tale speed — by leaps and bounds! Look at these photos and see for yourself (Fig. 108, Fig. 109, Fig. 110, Fig. 111, Fig. 112)! Such a variety of shades in Maitake’s caps is astonishing! The colour changes from umber, almost black, to light-cream, with a greenish tint in the centre. It is also surprising that so many various types of Maitakes appeared in such a short period of time and in such a limited territory, almost in identical environmental conditions! Such a rapid modification became possible only under the influence of the psi-field (or “dark” matter) generator, just like all other “wonders” of our domain.

Maitakes became bigger with every day


Sphagnum nemoreum Scop – a bog moss on the hill in winter


Sphagnum nemoreum Scop – a bog moss on the hill in winter


Maitakes became bigger with every day


Maitakes became bigger with every day


Maitakes became bigger with every day


Maitakes became bigger with every day


Maitakes became bigger with every day


In the night from 8th to 9th of February hurricane gusts of wind unexpectedly blasted our park. The wind howled during the whole night, blowing bricks off the chimneys and breaking the trees. This hurricane was created artificially with the “help” of the American meteorological weapon (for more details see "Taming the intractable: how to make hurricanes behave") and caused serious damage to France and other European countries. The main force of the hurricane was extinguished, but what remained was more than enough in order to make a mess. Nevertheless, our bicentenary sequoias, which grow on the hill and have significant “windage” and a superficial root system in limestone, did not suffer. These pearls of our park remained unharmed: the wind broke only several branches, despite the fact that exactly they were in the group at maximal risk.

Several years ago I introduced some corrections in the generator’s working to protect bicentenary giants with a weak root system from possible hurricane winds and everything has worked even better than I expected! It is now necessary to spread the strengthening action of the psi-field generator to other of our trees, in order that a hurricane cannot uproot them and break trunks, as happened to some trees in our park, that nobody thought could suffer, but exactly they were severely affected (Fig. 113 and Fig. 114).

New mushrooms which nobody has ever seen before, at least within the bounds of our domain, appeared in our park. They appeared in the second half of February which is also incredible! The psi-field generator continues to clear and restore soil, underground waters, micro-flora and micro-fauna of the place, returning it to the condition of natural environment of hundreds of years ago, as a result of which newer and newer types of plants come back from “lethargic sleep”! Mushrooms are the most indicative herein, because their spores waited for their “hour” hundreds and may be thousands of years until suitable conditions for their growing appeared again. This is the reason why new types of mushrooms which nobody has ever planted appear within the bounds of our domain.

Some of them look like Maitake, but differ from them in form and colour, as for example, Plicaturopsis crispa (Fig. 115). Others do not look like any of mushrooms which appeared in our domain before: they are Polyporus tomentosus (Fig. 116), Lentinellus cochleatus (Fig. 117) and Daedalea quercina (Fig. 118). The latter is not edible. Along with those newly appeared mushrooms there are others which have not been identified yet, but which are very interesting and unusual in their form and colour (Fig. 119 and Fig. 120)! All identified mushrooms are edible (except for Daedalea quercina) and highly delicious! In addition to this incredible variety of newly appeared mushrooms, new types continue to appear almost every day, or already known mushrooms present new surprises.

Trees damaged by the hurricane


Trees damaged by the hurricane


Plicaturopsis crispa


Polyporus tomentosus


Lentinellus cochleatus


Daedalea quercina


An unknown type of new mushrooms


An unknown type of new mushrooms


As, for example, Maitake did. On the twentieth of February Maitake’s two new filial mycelia appeared. They were situated very close to each other, but differed sharply (Fig. 121 and Fig. 122), which is quite curious and incredible. This kind of thing cannot happen, according to all the known laws of living Nature which have existed for four billion years! This cannot be, but it is, as well as other interesting and almost unreal things which happen in the active area of the psi-field generator...

Here are some rare types of mushrooms which appeared and are still unidentified (Fig. 123, Fig. 124 and Fig. 125). “Old-timers” do not surrender and catch up with newcomers! More champignons show their caps to the scarce rays of February Sun (Fig. 126), and these caps are enormous! Have a look at this “youngster”, on the cap of which a last year’s oak leaf looks quite small (Fig. 127)! I would like to remind readers that champignons in natural conditions appear only in spring and summer, and never in December, January and February! However, they grow the whole year around within the bounds of our domain, despite the frost, snow, etc.

The first Maitake's filial micelium


The second Maitake's filial micelium


An unknown type of new mushrooms


An unknown type of new mushrooms


An unknown type of new mushrooms


More Champignons in winter


More Champignons in winter


Daisies in February


I already mentioned that many late spring and summer flowers, such as, primroses, daisies, irises, etc. began to appear in February, becoming bigger and brighter with every day, for example, Daisy (Bellis perennis) (Fig. 128). Their flowering, as well as the flowering of all other plants, is not a casual phenomenon, when one or another plant was perhaps confused and “unexpectedly” bloomed during an “unexpected” warming, as sceptics may say! This is not so, because, firstly, there was no “unexpected” warming, on the contrary we can rather speak about a very cold snap! And, secondly, although the snow no longer covers fields and glades, night frosts are registered almost every day. So, if there was a “mad” plant, it would be affected by night frosts and die... Instead of this, newer and newer daisies show their round faces in a crown of white petals to the February Sun and this happens everywhere in our domain (Fig. 129), but outside of it everything is cheerless and dead, as it should be in this time of year in France!

The daisies were not the only flowers which “decided” to bloom in February! The inflorescences of hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis L.) appeared here and there. They are wild hyacinths, the bulbs of which spent the winter at frosts of -20 degrees Celsius, under snow and in completely frozen soil (Fig. 130). The hyacinths’ inflorescences usually appear only at the temperature of +18…+25 degrees Celsius and never at night frosts (Fig. 131). Furthermore, the bulbs should have died in the thoroughly frozen soil, but it is quite clear now that this did not happen (Fig. 132)!

Tulips keep pace with hyacinths. Their bulbs also spent the winter in the open air and let out their leaves in February, and some of them “prepared” their buds which, however, are still “wrapped” in the “cloak”-leaves (Fig. 133). According to the reference data, the growth and development of tulips which grow alfresco takes place from 80 to 120 days, from the beginning of April to the end of June. So, the buds of tulips should not appear in February, but they do! As well as the bulbs of narcissi, which also wintered in deep-frozen soil, should not survive this winter. By the way, the soil is still frozen! According to the reference data, the bulbs of narcissi should be planted in fertile soil at the temperature of +10…+12 degrees Celsius, and at an air temperature not lower than +15 degrees (Fig. 134).

Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) appeared too. According to the reference data it flowers from June to July and its fruits ripen from August to September! Therefore, the appearance of nettle’s small bushes in February is another unbelievable phenomenon (Fig. 135) from the standpoint of ordinary concepts, but we should forget about them when observing what is going on in our domain in the generator’s active area!

Daisies in February


Hyacinths in February


Hyacinths in February


Hyacinths in February


Tulips in February


Narcissi in February


Young nettle in February


Araucaria araucana's cones ripened in February


It is also extraordinary that the cones of the monkey puzzle tree or Araucaria araucana ripened in the second half of February for the second time this year (Fig. 136) despite the severe winter (Fig. 137). The cones of the monkey puzzle trees ripen in February only in their motherland — South America! But it is summer in the southern hemisphere now, and it is winter in the northern one! Therefore the ripening of cones in France in February indicates the principle changes in the monkey puzzle tree under the influence of the psi-field generator, as a result of which the fruiting takes place both in summer and winter independent of the environmental conditions!

It is also surprising that in the second half of February buds appeared on the branches of the Paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa) which will open up soon and the trees will wear blue flower dresses (Fig. 138)! But previously Paulownia’s flowering did not begin earlier than the middle of May even within the bounds of our domain. This fact again confirms that the new properties and qualities strengthen almost in all plants with every year because of the generator’s working, and the new “acquisitions” becomes the new norm, which is impossible in ordinary environmental conditions! This is exactly the acquisition of new properties and qualities, not mutations, because plants remain the same, they just acquire new properties and qualities!

The buds swelled on chestnuts (Castanea vesca Gaerth), and this is also extraordinary. In fact spring and autumn frosts are the most dangerous precisely for chestnuts, not to mention those temperature surprises with which February presented us in 2009: when the day temperature above zero (not very high) was often changed by sharp night drops in temperature, so that the rain instantly turned into ice on branches, leaves and buds failing to reach earth. These were weather conditions in February in which buds swelled on chestnuts (Fig. 139)!

The number of buds on Magnolias caduc increases with every passing day (Fig. 140). Tender, still unopened buds do not notice February light frosts either at night or in the day-time (Fig. 141). Every day, despite the still very cold weather when the temperature is rarely above zero, Magnolia buds slowly but confidently prepare themselves to show amazing flowers which are still hidden in fluffy shells (Fig. 142). The fluff on the buds which are swelling with vital force becomes more fluffy and whiter with every passing day which means that the miracle of Nature — magnolias’ flowering — will be seen very soon (Fig. 143)! ...., together with other amazing phenomena!

Araucaria araucana's cones ripened in February


Paulownia tomentosa in February


Chestnuts in February


Magnolia buds in February


Magnolia buds in February


Magnolia buds in February


Magnolia buds in February


Nicolai Levashov March 1, 2009

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