Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

Part 4. The tale about fruita and berries

Photographs taken by my wife Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov

In my previous article "The Source of life-3" I chronicled a totally unexpected and tempestuous response of our park and magnolia garden triggered by corrections I made to the psi-generator I had created and installed in the winter of 2006. I needed these corrections because that winter was extremely cold even for France. The temperature sometimes dropped as low as -18 degrees C and sometimes it snowed. The lakes and rivers were covered with considerable ice, a quite unexpected phenomenon for the valley of the Loire.

Such climatic conditions were absolutely incompatible with living conditions of many of our tropical and subtropical plants which had already "become acclimatized" in our park and magnolia garden. It was imperative to do something to keep them from dying. To this end I decided to make some correction on the psi-generator that would prevent the arboreal sap from freezing.

When arboreal sap freezes the crystals of ice just tear apart the living cells of plants and trees, thereby killing them. The only way to rescue them is to qualitatively change the structure of arboreal sap so that the clusters of water cannot freeze. This phenomenon can be observed in amphibians, which do not die, even if they are completely frozen and converted into a piece of ice. They return to life as soon as the temperature of the external environment rises. However, when the water in amphibian tissues freezes, the special structure of the cellular water yields very small ice crystals—much smaller than the crystals of ordinary ice!

In other words, the size of the ice crystals depends on the size and structure of the so-called clusters of water. And, in turn, the size and the structure of the water clusters depend on the qualitative state of the water molecules, the chemical composition of the water and density of the admixtures, which are determined by the level of self-dimensionality.

As soon as I understood every detail of the problem, I began to solve it. Moreover, I had other issues to address—that is, I had to change the structure of arboreal sap so that the ice crystals formed when a plant froze would be very small. But, further, I also had to make sure that the water did not freeze at all! That is, I had to see to it that the arboreal sap could NEVER FREEZE! And I solved this problem! Tropical, subtropical, equatorial and subequatorial plants of our park and magnolia garden survived at a temperature of –18 ° C and preserved their vital activity.

Certainly, this happened with all the other plants and trees of our park, but the plants of the temperate zone tolerate the weather conditions of this zone pretty well and death did not threaten them. But this was not at all true about their more tender "confreres." Nevertheless, almost not a single tree of our park and magnolia garden suffered during the winter of 2006. This was simply incredible, but it is a fact. And these were not all our "marvels"!

For example, the Japanese plum not only survived the winter of 2006, but also bore fruit outdoors, which is also a miracle! Later on this very capricious evergreen subequatorial plant "decided" to keep surprising us! From the end of September to the beginning of October of 2006 the Japanese plum flowered again, which was a complete surprise for us. There was more—the fruit's ovules appeared! Thus, this subequatorial plant with fruit just beginning to ripen survived the cold winter of 2007. We could not even imagine such thing and it was simply unbelievable that these plants yielded fruit at such low temperatures, and did not keep us waiting this winter either (Fig. 1).

By February, 2007 the snow was gone and wintry frosts had retired to their "lairs" on the Poles. These climatic adventures— incredible for a subequatorial plant—did it no harm. The fruit's ovules and leaves did not suffer at all and the fruit even managed to “gain weight” (Fig. 2). This "weight gain" occurred until the fruit completely ripened and began to show off in its festive yellow-orange "garb"!

The only difference between these fruits and their ordinary "confreres" was the fact that they required more time to attain their usual standard! This is due to the fact that at such low temperatures of the winter of 2007 the circulation of arboreal sap (the tree’s life blood) was very slow (Fig. 3). In fact, plants are not like warm-blooded animals that are less dependent upon the temperature of their external environment, especially if they have warm, thick coats. Be that as it may, as a result of the influence of the psi-generator the life-support processes did not completely shut down as they do, for example, in amphibians!

The Japanese plum covered by snow


The Japanese plum covered by snow


The Japanese plum


Thus, under the influence of the psi-generator, with this correction the Japanese plum continued to live its life, only at a considerably slower tempo than it would have under its usual living conditions. However, it seems to me that this is not of major importance, because something happened that cannot possibly happen! The ripe fruits of the Japanese plum are irrefutable proof which can not be ignored, no matter how much someone wants to. The very fact that the fruit of the Japanese plum ripened in the outdoor French air, in limestone and red clay, is unbelievable in itself—not to mention the fact that the Japanese plum effloresced for the second time at the end of September and the fruit's ovules calmly endured snow and frosty winter, when the temperature dropped to –18° C! The following reference data will clarify how impossible this is:

LOQUATS – Eriobotrya, Photinia Japonica from the family of Rosaceae. Japanese Medlars or Plums.

Tree-bush, up to 1.60-2 meters, evergreen.

Fruits: up to 5cm, pear-shaped, orange-yellow. Loquats have very large, leathery, corrugated leaves, wooly-white underneath, and fragrant, furry, white-yellowish flowers. The fruits are orange, with one or more big brown-black seeds and sweet, acid, chewy pulp. Are eaten raw, stewed, or as jams or jellies. First reported in 1690, these were imported from Canton to Kew Gardens in London in 1787. Widely cultivated in the East, they are now popular in the Mediterranean countries and in Florida.

Varietes: "advance", "champagne" and "gold nugget".

Cultivation: Well-drained soil, warm climate. They will crop ONLY UNDER GLASS or in countries WITH WARM WINTER. Loquats grow in zones 9-10. Very architectural plant with a lovely perfumed scent. Make tall and attractive screens in countries with a warm climate.

Maintenance: Spring – prune if needed, summer – move outdoors for summer if it’s warm, fall – move indoors.

["Vegetables, Herbs & Fruits" an illustrated encyclopedia, p.494., Laurel Glen Publishing, 1994, 5880 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, California].

So, whatever one may say, it is impossible to ignore the real fact. It is of interest that not only capricious and tender Japanese plums reacted like this to the adjusted influence of the psi-generator. In the beginning of April, 2006 we planted al fresco: strawberries, several types of raspberry, whortleberry, gooseberry, etc. To our surprise all plants and bushes took root and effloresced very quickly.

For example, the seedlings of strawberry planted in April, 2006 effloresced in ten days after their planting (Fig. 4). Very soon ripe strawberries and other berries appeared on the table. "But this is quite natural," some may say and they will be.... quite right! Fruits appeared and ripened earlier than they normally do... which is curious, but where are the promised "marvels"?!

The point is that the "marvels" appeared where no one expected them! The nursery transplants planted in the beginning of April behaved very strangely. For example, small bushes of strawberry effloresced; the berries’ ovules appeared and ... during the whole summer strawberries flowered and produced berries. It was unusual, but we had already become accustomed to the "marvels" in our park and magnolia garden, so we and some other witnesses of the “marvels” greeted the new ones with calm.

And, when the strawberries planted at the beginning of April, 2006 began to flower and produce berries very early in 2007, this did not surprise us; but when they continued to flower and bring berries—into October—this drew our rapt attention (Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8). They actually continued bearing berries incessantly from the beginning of April, during the whole summer, into September and October! Seven months of continuous flowering and ripening of berries!

Strawberries in April


Strawberries in April


Strawberries in April


Contrast this with the ordinary strawberry plant that flowers and bears berries for a couple of weeks after being planted outdoors, and then its season is over. Normally, in order to prolong the strawberry season in the open air, the seedlings are planted at different time intervals. And in greenhouses new seedlings are planted instead of those which already have born berries. In our case—the same strawberry seedlings hat were planted at the beginning of April flowered and bore berries continuously. Moreover, they were planted in limestone, but fertilizers or other chemical substances were never used during all this time. In fact, strawberry seedlings can not possibly even take root in such soil —and not only strawberries (Fig. 9)!

Strawberries in October


Strawberries in October


Strawberries in October


It is also of interest how different plants reacted to the influence of the psi-field generator. For example, the strawberry seedlings planted at the beginning of April, 2006 reacted immediately. This was shown by the fact that they took root in limestone very quickly in a soil completely unfit for them, to say nothing of their exuberant growth. They took root, flowered and began to bear berries abundantly a month earlier than the same strawberries in the nearest localities. Moreover, the taste of the berries was amazing! Besides, we neither watered, nor fertilized our strawberries. So the fact that strawberries took root and began to bear berries so actively is in itself surprising! But the most unbelievable changes happened in the strawberries the next year.

The strawberry is a perennial plant and therefore the changes caused by the influence of the psi-generator were cumulative during the whole year. Every plant reacts to the influence in its own way and needs time for the changes to begin to show up. Young plants and trees reacted to the influence of the generator maximally. The least effect was observed in old, "adult" trees and plants, which is quite understandable, because they had already been completely formed at the moment that the generator was installed... But even "old" plants also changed, which is a most surprising phenomenon.

I should like to emphasize that our procedure was not a job of selectionists who had bred some frost-resisting and long-fruiting variety of strawberry. The following data should clarify this:

The Garden Strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa and related cultivars) is the most cultivated variety of strawberry cultivated world wide. Like other species of Fragaria (strawberries) it belongs to the family of Rosaceae.

The Garden Strawberry was first bred in Europe in the early 18th century, and represents the accidental cross of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America, which was noted for its flavor, and Fragaria chiloensis from Chile, which was noted for its large size. Cultivars of Fragaria x ananassa have replaced in commercial production the Woodland Strawberry, which was the first strawberry species, cultivated in the early 17th century.

The name Fragaria comes from "fragans" meaning odorous, referring to the perfumed flesh of the fruit… Strawberry plants do well in a rather strong loam, and should be kept tolerably moist. The ground should be trenched 50-100 cm deep, and supplied with plenty of manure, a good proportion of which should lie just below the roots. Strawberries need a very rich soil, full of humus, and benefit from slow-release phosphates, such as bone meal.

[The New Guide to Fruit by Kate Whiteman, published by Lorenz Books in 1999. Lorenz Books, 27 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011].

[Vegetables, Herbs & Fruits, an illustrated encyclopedia. Laurel Glen Publishing, Advantage Publishers Group, 5880 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, California, 1997].

According to the data above, the strawberry variety planted in our garden should have been unable to bear fruit or even take root in the kind of soil present in our park and garden! Nevertheless, our strawberry did take root in limestone, an extremely unfit soil for the cultivation of any strawberry; furthermore, it received neither water nor fertilizers, diametrically contrary to the recommendations in the reference data.

Our soil is limestone 50 to 100 cm deep, and deeper. There was no supplying of the requisite "plenty of manure." (What artificial fertilizers are and what they do to soil is another sad story). However, our strawberry plants began to flower and bear fruit from the middle of April of 2 007 and continued to do so till the middle of December, 2007, which can not happen even under the most ideal conditions for this plant. I would like to repeat: the flowering and ripening of our strawberry plants took place in September, October, and November and even in December, despite the fact that the autumn of 2007 in France was quite frosty! There was already frost from the end of September, especially at night! And it grew stronger every day. Sometimes the temperature dropped to– 18 ° C even in October!!!

But not only had the strawberry plant decided to "abolish" natural laws! Two other plants, the raspberry and blackberry (Fig. 10, 11) "decided" to flower and bear fruit for half a year. They were planted at the same time as the strawberry, in the middle of April 2006. After they were planted in limestone both raspberry and blackberry began to bear fruit in the beginning of June of 2006 (see "The Source of life-3")! But by 2007 the most interesting thing was happening with them (for the same reasons I described herein with the strawberries). This also cannot happen, because people say it can never happen! But never say "never"! So in this case under the influence of the psi-field generator, on which I gradually made several changes, the IMPOSSIBLE became POSSIBLE!

Raspberries in October


Blackberries in October


Figs in October


Herewith the reference information on raspberries to spare the skeptics from doubt:

RASPBERRIES (Rubus idaeas from the family Rosaceaea). Perhaps surprisingly, raspberries are a member of the rose family, as you might guess if you have ever been pricked by a raspberry thorn.

The raspberry is an edible fruit of a number of a plant species in the subgenus Indeaubatus of the genus Rubus; the name also applies to these plants themselves.

Rubus idaeus raspberries are native to Europe and Asia in hilly areas, heaths and on the edge of woodlands. They are found growing wild in northern Scandinavia and have long been gathered. Seeds and debris from the plants have been found preserved in the remains of the prehistoric lake villages of what is now Switzerland. They grow best in a cool, damp climate and can be found even in Alaska.

Raspberries can be grown in most soils, but they do considerably better given plentiful moisture and a rich neutral or acidic soil, or at least copious quantities of compost and very thick mulches.

Deep red (or sometimes yellow) Raspberry fruit has a sweet, intense flavor.

[The New Guide to Fruit by Kate Whiteman, published by Lorenz Books in 1999. Lorenz Books, 27 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011.]

[Vegetables, Herbs & Fruits, an illustrated encyclopedia. Laurel Glen Publishing, Advantage Publishers Group, 5880 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, California, 1997.]

I would like to point out that I installed a psi-field generator at a distance, in 2003, while still located in San Francisco. The French authorities had refused, without explanation, to grant me a visa even when we purchased our estate, Chateau Du Temple. So, despite my desire to come and install the psi-generator in person, I had to do it at a distance of thousands of kilometers. I would also like to mention that I did not send the psi-field generator by mail, because it did not have a physical form to which most people are accustomed. However, this does not mean that the psi-field generator is non-material—it is “only” made of so-called "DARK MATTER," the existence of which is reluctantly acknowledged even by orthodox science and which is not perceivable by human sense organs or devices created by man.

The psi-field generator is material, but it is made, as I mentioned, of dark matter on the basis of absolutely different principles. Orthodox science is entirely unaware of the existence of these principles and moreover, they are totally incomprehensible and inaccessible from their position. However, as the results of applying the psi-field generator clearly show, its influence is real, material, in the usual for most people, sense of this word, and even very tangible!

It does not depend on the "learned opinion" of experts who belong to orthodox science, more precisely to religion, since so-called classical science has been transformed into religion long ago. In 1975 the Academy of Science of the USSR passed a resolution which forbade any criticism of Einstein’s theory!!! Long ago many “scientists” converted and became new priests of that religion which, for some reason, is still called science! Oddly enough, they create nothing of their own, but passionately defend positions of theories created by others, which they accept without any proof of their validity. Embracing the achievements of their predecessors as dogma, many of them became priests-of- science converts, instead of true scientists.

A striking example of this process was seen in the fuss made by scientific "experts" after the first flight of the Wright brothers in December 17, 1903. For the sake of fairness I would like to note parenthetically that these brothers did not create the very first airplane able to fly; this distinction belongs to Alexandr Feodorovich Mozhayskiy, a Russian naval officer, who in his retirement was totally absorbed with the creation of aircraft. This enthusiastic loner as early as in 1882 built the first airplane (not a model, but precisely an airplane, because he had created the working model in 1876). There were no gas engines as yet so he had to develop a compact model of a steam engine of sufficient power in order to fly the airplane. Mozhayskiy died in 1890 and never "debugged" his airplane...

But let us return to the Wright brothers. When they carried out their first flight, many passengers on a train witnessed it. Among them was a journalist who wrote a report about it in the local newspaper. He was promptly fired (though later reinstated) because of an article by a scientific "expert" that appeared in a major national news chain. In the latter, the “expert” commented that that the phenomenon described in the local newspaper could not have happened because according to “modern”science objects heavier than air cannot fly and that what the observers had experienced was a "mass hallucination"!!!

So, all passengers should take into account that they do not fly in airplanes, but only experience a mass hallucination; and also pilots, stewardesses, and all airport employees do the same thing. All these people are under the influence of mass hallucination!!! Dozens of millions of people, who flew in airplanes or even saw them, experienced mass hallucination!!! It means that everyone who claims that he (she) flew in airplanes should consult a certain specialist.

Certainly, modern science more "subtly" suppresses similar "lapses". But their opinionating dominates science and is received and accepted like Holy Scripture—fanatically, i.e., without any doubt that their position could in any way be erroneous. And since fanaticism is the basis of any religion, the fact that this religion is called “science” changes nothing...

Nowadays such things tend to evoke only a smile, but then people trusted in the printed word of an“expert” the same way they do today. The words "scientist", "academician", "expert" influence people very strongly, almost hypnotically! Everything that these men of science say is taken as absolute gospel. Regrettably, now radio and television have been added to the printed word, which exert an even greater hypnotic influence on the masses...

But let us return to the subject at hand. The results of the influence of my psi-field generator are quite material—they can be seen, felt and tasted! It turns out that the psi-field generator, which is made of dark matter, exerts a very real influence on plants in our park and magnolia garden, albeit, I repeat, it is made of "dark" matter!!

At the same time, the effect of the ostensibly "non-material" psi-generator on the vegetable and animal world of our park and garden is not only real and material but also riveting, as I have documented in my series of articles entitled "The Source of Life."

Thus, while still in San Francisco I installed a psi-generator made of dark matter inside our estate in France! It is impossible to either steal or even detect this psi-generator using all means and devices which modern science has. In the process of working with this psi-generator I often made corrections in the program of an action and always got the desired results. So, it is not a blind influence, but a very precise program directed at achieving concrete aims. And, when one does something for the first time, it is always gratifying to see the results achieved, especially, when these results are so evident yet so incredible from the vantage point of most people!

I created my psi-field generator on the basis of my knowledge of nature in general and living nature in particular, which I set forth in my books. The practical results of its usage cut the ground out from under the feet of the so-called skeptics and spiteful critics. The adjusted influence of the psi-generator creates in plants abilities and properties which were impossible for them to develop during the whole span of existence of the vegetable world (and not only the vegetable)!

With the help of similar devices it is possible to create in plants almost any properties and qualities which are IMPOSSIBLE under natural conditions—WITHOUT USING ANY ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZERS OR VIOLATING NATURAL HARMONY. Besides, it is also possible to get dramatically greater harvests without any exhaustion of soil, but, on the contrary, to improve it, while also clearing the underground and rain waters and instituting other similar improvements…

So, the psi-field generator made of dark matter renders REAL influence not only on the vegetable and animal world but also on the world of the so-called inanimate, dead matter, which can also be “touched”! However, this is the story for another day and I will now continue my tale about fruits and berries...

Not only strawberry, raspberry and blackberry plants“decided” to bear fruit from the early spring to the late autumn, but also the heat-loving figs "decided" to catch up with these tender berries (Fig. 12 and 13). They became so "animated" that they could not "stop" even in frosty and rainy November!

The autumn of 2007 was pretty cold. Already from the end of September the night temperature dropped to below zero! And in October and November there was frost during the day-time as well. Meanwhile, the night frosts waxed stronger and stronger. But it did not "scare" our figs and their fruit calmly continued to ripen on the branches (Fig. 14)! No one, even we, expected such behavior of this heat-loving plant! But it failed to bask in its "heroism" all alone! Strawberries also "decided" to get into The Guinness Book of Records (Fig. 15).

Figs in Octoberå


Figs in November


Strawberries in November


Interestingly enough, even when the temperature began to drop below zero not only at night, but also in the day-time, the strawberries continued to ripen as if nothing had happened; new flowers appeared in the small strawberry bushes, along with the fruit's ovules of new berries (Fig. 16)! And what is more interesting—despite the frost the strawberry leaves remained lush and extraordinarily thick (Fig. 17). And this is already unusual in itself and surely it cannot be, because it could never be, as a skeptic would say. Both the strawberry and raspberry plants (Fig. 18) continued to bear fruit to the middle of December! This means that the strawberry plant bore fruit from the end of April to the middle of December – a span of almost EIGHT MONTHS!!!

Strawberries in November


Strawberries in November


Raspberries in December


It would seem that after such prolonged flowering and fruit-bearing the strawberry had to be exhausted and at least take a "break" to regain its strength! This would be so, if we took an ordinary approach to such events, without taking into account the influence of the psi-field generator on a plant. The presence of one "small" difference like the psi-generator, which does not even have a physical form, turns the impossible into possible!

In 2008 our strawberry plants again began to flower very early (Fig. 19 and 20) despite the fact that the spring of 2008 in France appeared to be extraordinarily cold, when even in April a light frost was observed in the day-time! Nevertheless, the fruit's ovules appeared and began to become succulent very quickly and the ripening berries appeared in record term. The ripening berries "powdered" the small bushes of strawberries (Fig. 21)!

Strawberries in the early spring


Strawberries in the early spring


Strawberries in the early spring


In 2008 even the first harvest of strawberries will be much greater than the first harvest of 2007! This fact is amazing in itself, but also it confirms the fact that the influence of the psi-generator does not exhaust plants, but, on the contrary, makes them stronger and more fruitful (Fig. 22 and 23). This displays a fundamentally new method of increasing productivity, whereby soil is not exhausted, but becomes more fertile from year to year, and limestone turns into fertile soil under the psi-generator’s influence! Moreover, it renders the soil under each plant to be the most favorable for cultivation of that specific plant! But this is a subject of another story.

There is one more observation to consider. Even the most unbelievable “consequences” of the work of the psi-field generator are not something coincidental or non-permanent. We can make sure of that, if we glance at the glades covered by our flowering water-lilies. I have already written about the "marvels" that happened with this water plant. Therefore, I will not dwell on the description of this plant and its amazing transformation. Those who are interested can read about it in my article "The Source of life–3." So, the water-lily – Lesichiton camtschatcensis – ARUMLILY, Lesichiton Americanus – WHITE LILY – did not "change" its mind about developing on dry land. On the contrary, in 2008 there were many more lilies in the glades (Fig. 24)!

Strawberries in May


Strawberries in May


A glade of White Lilies


This year the flowers of the water lilies are considerably larger than they were before, which means that these plants began synthesizing more water that they did in 2006 and 2007. In order to make sure that this is so, it is enough to compare the size of these flowers with the hand of my wife Svetlana (Fig. 25 and 26). This confirms that the effect of water synthesis by these plants did not disappear, but became even more pronounced. This effect shows up stronger with every year, because of the continuous changes occurring under the influence of the generator. One should take into account that different types of plants have different degrees of sensitivity in their response to the generator’s influence. And every variety has its own "incubation period" necessary for acquiring new properties and qualities under that influence.

Water Lily


Water Lily


Figs at the end of October


Young plants have stronger reaction than mature plants; the younger they are, the stronger the reaction. Thus, practical results fully confirm theoretical suppositions about the nature of living matter and how a young plant forms and develops when germinated from a seed. In fact, the spirit of an adult plant is fastened to a seed or a pit. And the growing biomass with the genetics of this variety fills only this spirit. The exact same phenomenon was accidentally discovered by the American neuroscientist Íarold Saxon Burr, when he made a photo of the pip of a buttercup with the help of Kirlian photography.

He observed on the photo that the spirit (which he called the "immortal blueprint") of an adult plant was fastened to a non-germinated pip. This fact was never explained, but 100 % confirms my theoretical explanation. Curiously enough, I first knew about this surprising confirmation of my theory only in 2005, when I came across the book Life on Hire by V. Tikhoplav and T. Tikhoplav published in 2003. It happens that my first book, in which I described the nature and origin of living matter, was published in 1994! It turns out that experimenters, who did not know of my concepts about the nature of living matter, confirmed them even without knowing I had already published an explanation about their experimental results!!! This shows the validity of my theory.

This was a small "digression" which, nevertheless, hit the mark. Understanding the true nature of living matter, I created the generator of life i.e., the psi-field generator, or the generator of dark matter, which first of all exerts influence precisely on the spirits of plants. What I was attempting was to get the emergence of new properties and qualities in plants which they did not have naturally—by changing their spirits. That is why changes manifested most strongly in young plants, which were just planted in soil and were in the initial stage of growth. In fact, young plants are mere children which will have to transform into adults capable of producing fruit. It is easier to introduce necessary changes when a plant is in the process of its formation!

However, these changes also show up in adult plants which are exposed to the influence of my device, even though being completely formed a long time ago!

For example, this happened with two hundred-year-old mahoganies of our park! Changes in adult plants occur, because even they have their cells periodically replaced by new ones. And these new cells carry necessary changes! In this case the manifestation of changes in plants is determined by the lifetime of cells before they are replaced by new cells, in other words, by the duration of the cycle of cell replacement. These cycles are not equal in duration even for cells of the same plant. That is why we may observe that sometimes a plant changes sooner, sometimes later, but either way, the changes happen... And most significantly, these changes are not coincidental or "blind"—they correspond to those specific changes for which the generator was intended and programmed.

So everything that happens in our park and garden under the influence of the generator confirms that in principle such influence is real and possible, and that its application to plants and other living organisms can be purposeful and completely controlled! And this means that my theory about the nature of the origin of life, as expounded in my books, is valid. Moreover—and most importantly—using this knowledge, it is possible to solve the world food problem which may very soon become a threat to the peaceful existence of our civilization.

Furthermore, there would be no need to use fertilizers, which are essentially toxins that poison the underground waters, then are flushed by rains into rivers and lakes and thence into seas and oceans. In addition to poisoning the water, the so-called fertilizers do even more harm. Their application allows a temporary, though not considerable rise in productivity; however, there is another "achievement" we "owe" to fertilizers, namely, that, after several years of use, ploughed fields turn into deserts, and fertile lands—into sterile rock.

I have proved in practice that through use of the psi-field generator, it is possible to get a substantial yield or even multiple yields of one and the same culture over a long period of time—without any greenhouses and fertilizers, in severe environmental conditions—on poor soils or even on soils incompatible with the cultivation requirements of the given plant. It is possible to get yields of eco-products in whatever amounts are needed. At the same time plants acquire properties and qualities which they could never develop under their usual environmental conditions. Moreover, the influence of the "dark matter" generator has the following “side effects”: water and underground waters are purified from contamination and poor or even unfit for vegetation soils become transformed into fertile ones.

Certainly, the influence of the generator, composed of "dark matter" has been under observation for a relatively few years. However, five years of its practical application show that the effects do not in time disappear; on the contrary, what we find is an accumulation of new properties and qualities, which constantly appear in plants as a result of continuous corrections of the generator! The plants are not exhausted, but, on the contrary, with every year they become increasingly stronger and more incredible, from the point of view of ordinary concepts. The properties and qualities they acquire do not disappear, but continue to become more pronounced! The evidence-based confirmation of this is the water-lily, which continues to develop on dry land.

The only question not yet determined is whether such plants will maintain these qualities out of the range of action of the "dark matter" generator. If the answer is positive, this means that the origin of the stable changes of properties and qualities is independent of the cause of these changes.

If the newly acquired properties and qualities disappear outside the limits of the generator’s range of action, it would suffice to place similar generators at necessary points and ... the problem does not exist anymore! Besides, if we take into account that it is impossible either to copy or to steal such a "dark matter" generator; that it does not require feeding or fuel, in the usual sense of the word; that there is no need to replace worn out spare parts, etc,—we will have a perfect situation.

The duration of its work depends only on the time frame which I assign. Only I can dismantle or switch it off, or install programs in the generator. The generator will fold immediately if someone even tries to scan it. In addition, the generator has its off-line system of defense and blockage of any attempt at penetration. In case the defense is breached, the generator folds on its own.

Moreover, the defense system of the psi-field generator is self-training—in other words, it changes when a penetration attempt occurs,— let alone the fact that it changes constantly even without attempts to breach it. In fact, the "dark matter" generator is a quasi-living organism with a considerably high level of artificial intelligence which differs dramatically from the model bruited about by orthodox scientists and even science fiction writers! But this is a story for another day...

And now let us return to the "marvels" in our park and garden which were not limited to strawberries and raspberries. The inhabitant of the tropics, the fig, "decided" to prove that it was able to do what the strawberries and raspberries did, and bore fruit to the beginning of December of 2007. Svetlana noticed the fig when she decided to do rounds of the whole park and garden personally to see what other surprises awaited her,—after discovering that the strawberries had continued to flower and bear fruit into October. She was highly s urprised, when she saw mature, ripening and green figs, fruits of a tropical plant, on branches where they should not have been, calmly hanging down "unaware" that their existence was abrogating all natural laws (Fig. 27 and 28)!!!

But the fig did not rest content with what it had achieved and continued to bear fruit in November (Fig. 29) and even into the beginning of December!!! Autumn painted the foliage of broad-leaved trees in different colors—yellow, red, brown—but the tropical plant, the fig, was calmly yielding fruit as if to say: —"Isn’t it marvelous? Come, partake of my fruits." For most people it will be difficult to imagine the uncommonness of such a situation, especially considering the fact that city residents see tropical fruits only in shops and do not have the least idea where any one or another fruit grows. In order to help them understand "what the fuss is about," herewith the reference data about this tropical plant:

FICUS is a genus of about 800 species of trees, shrubs, vines and epiphytes of the family of Moraceae. Collectively known as figs, they are native throughout the tropics with a few species extending into the warm temperate zone.

Common fig (Ficus carica) is a large deciduous shrub or small tree, native to southwest Asia, also grown in Iran, Mediterranean region, Australia, Chile, South Africa, California, southern Spain...

The edible fig is one of the first plants that has been cultivated by humans. Nine sub fossil figs, a parthenocarpic type were found about 9400-9200BC in the early Neolithic village Gilgal, Jordan Valley.

The Fig tree is the first plant cited in the Bible. In Genesis 3:7 it is said that fig trees had grown in the Garden of Eden and their leaves were used to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. Over the centuries, prudes have delighted in defacing works of art of naked bodies with carefully placed fig leaves. They were also known to the ancient Egyptians at the time of the pharaohs and were brought to the Mediterranean long before the arrival of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Figs are keystone species in many rainforest ecosystems. Unlike most houseplants that can tolerate unstable living environment, the ficus plant requires a steady unchanging environment. For optimal plant growth, keep temperatures between 60 and 72 degrees F.

As we may deduce from the above, the fig is a very capricious, heat-loving tropical and subequatorial plant which is very sensitive to temperature drops and other changes in the external environment. But it calmly bore fruit in our estate in late autumn and at the beginning of winter, when both night and day temperatures dropped to below zero (sometimes to –18 ? Ñ)! But our fig trees "rushed in where angels fear to tread"—frost was nothing to them! They fearlessly confronted not only the single sharp temperature drop, which should have been fatal to such tender plants, but also the almost nightly frosts in mid October and the sub-zero daytime temperatures later on.

One may assume that our fig trees simply became “confused” and in their “fright” bore fruit at the "wrong" time while burning up all their resources. Then the question arises: what frightened the poor plant so much that it violated all the laws of nature? Actually, in nature such "heroism" always ends tragically. A "hero" that decides to adapt to another climatic area usually perishes, especially if its usual domain (in our case tropical or subequatorial) differs dramatically from the targeted new climatic zone (our temperate continental zone). In nature, the process of such “adaptation” usually results in the emergence of new vegetable varieties and takes millions, or sometimes hundreds of millions of years.

In our case the same type of plant developed a state of existence that normally would be incompatible to it: and under the influence of the dark matter generator it took not eons and eons but just a few short years!!! Moreover, after producing for so long and so abundantly (into December of 2007) they were not exhausted or in need of “recovery”, which one may expect according to the usual ideas about the nature of plants!

Usually after abundant yields the soil becomes depleted and incapable of supporting the fruit production. As experience shows, fructiferous lands turn into virtually sterile deserts after several years of abundant yields plus active exploitation of the soil by modern artificial irrigation systems and chemical fertilizers.

In our case, at the very outset our soil was the worst to be found anywhere and in precisely this soil our plants grew five to six times quicker than they would have under the best conditions and on the best soil. And the yields continued to increase and the soil improved, becoming increasingly fertile and even turning into loam. This is incredible in itself, but does not cease to be a fact!

Having finished bearing fruit in the middle of December of 2007, our fig trees had already produced new fruit at the beginning of May!!! The spring of 2008 in France was extraordinarily cold; the frost persisted till the end of April and even into May during the daylight hours, but the figs were ripening again on the branches! Even in the warmest springtime in their native land these plants NEVER bore fruit so early (Fig. 30)! Let alone under the climatic conditions where this happened.

Figs in the end of October


Figs in November


Figs in April


The fruit’s ovules of the 2008 yield appeared at the same time and were numerous and incredibly large (Fig. 31). One can only imagine how large the ripe fruits will be. This was only the beginning! Ovules of the new fruit began to appear and those which had already appeared grew by leaps and bounds. Moreover, "wrong" fruits sprouted leaves of incredible size (Fig. 32 and 33).

Figs in March


Figs in May


Figs in May


But the "marvels" are not over, they are just beginning. To verify this, a glance at a young dill will suffice (Fig. 34)! By the end of April the dill is already enormous compared to Svetlana’a hand! And in less than a month, the young dill, still not ripe, is already twice the height of Cory, our adult St. Bernard dog—herself considerably taller than her congeners. Anyone who has seen an adult St. Bernard dog can envision the size of our dill bush (Fig. 35).

In my 2006 article "The Source of life–2" one of our "heroes" was a Spanish Sorrel. At the time, this edible plant was five or six times larger than “normal” and this year its leaves are much bigger and more pulpy (Fig. 36). You can see it with your own eyes by comparing it with the sorrel leaves of 2006 and 2008. However, the dill is not the only plant to "come down" with gigantism. Look at the "forest" of young celery and notice how St. Bernard Cory looks like a small puppy by comparison! (Fig. 37)

Young dill


Enormous young dill in May


Spanish Sorrel


The artichoke bush is also huge; its young leaves are enormous and pulpy (Fig. 38). The size of the not even fully ripe Hazel Corylus Colurna is quite startling. I wrote at length about this bush in my article "The Source of life–1." The interested reader can explore the "marvels" of this plant in detail; here I would only like to point out the changes that occurred with the plants (and not only them), brought about by the influence of the psi-field (dark matter) generator, did not disappear with time.

Young, tender leaves of hazel are not only enormous, but very dense and fleshy (Fig. 39).

Gigantic selery


Gigantic artichoke


Turkish Hazel like a burdock


One can only imagine what will happen with these leaves when they mature (Fig. 40). I would like to mention again that the spring in France was very cold and rainy. The daytime temperature was about 5 degrees C a week before the last photo was taken in May.

As early as the end of April of 2008 an immense quantity of mushrooms emerged from under the earth and again did so incredibly early! The French adore the rose mushroom, which is considered a French culinary delicacy. This delicacy appeared at the end of April, which cannot be, because it never can be (Fig. 41 and 42). But for "some" reason this doesn’t surprise me or my wife Svetlana…

Young Turkish Hazel


Rose Mushroom in April


Rose Mushroom in April


Nicolai Levashov, May 24, 2008


Only two days have passed since the last photos for this article were taken. However, this short period of time was enough for new "marvels" to appear in the "fairyland" located on our estate. Everyone can verify that everything grows there by leaps and bounds, simply by viewing the new photos taken in just TWO DAYS!

The young artichoke (Fig. 38) has grown even more, so that good old Ramses, our Newfoundland dog, taller than his congeners by 15-20 cm, looks like a small puppy in the background (Fig. 43). Not only did the plant itself grow more, but also its incipient clusters grew by leaps and bounds (Fig. 44). And the dill plant, though still young, has become so rampant that it looks more like brushwood than the modest dill we used to know (Fig. 45)!

Gigantic artichoke


Gigantic artichoke


Gigantic dill


The strawberry bushes look more like shrubs and only its fresh green stems show that it is not a shrub. Notice how many new berries appeared during this two-day period (Fig. 46)! The mint also “decided” to take part in the “contest.” Its bushes are absolutely enormous (more than a meter high) and are covered with an incredible quantity of leaves which are unbelievably lush and pulpy (Fig. 47).

The second yeild of strawberiies


Mint more than 1 meter high


Nicolai Levashov, May 25, 2008

To be continued...

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