Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

Part 3

Photographs taken by my wife Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov

The end of April – beginning of May is indeed a blessed time for nature, when everything awakens exuberantly after a long hibernation. Plants display an especially strong reaction to spring awakening, as every warm and sunny day changes the face of the earth beyond recognition. Young bright green grass pushes its way through last year's dry grassy remnants. Trees and bushes are burgeoning with young leaves and blossoms, as the first flowers of spring emerge... Everything is reviving and returning to life. Indeed, spring is the hymn of life…

Meanwhile, the events unfolding in our park and garden continue to astonish us, even taking into account the exuberant spring awakening of life and the near habitual "marvels" that continue to surprise us. Such reactions of plants triggered by the field generator do surprise us – despite the fact that I had always expected something like this. Curiously enough, the influence of the psi-field generator placed under our castle manifests in many diverse ways. Different plants and trees react to its influence individually, in their own special way, in accordance with their internal properties, qualities and genetics. I therefore am constantly improving the influence of the field generator to achieve a maximal effect that would be impossible without taking into account the features of every plant.

Many trees came back to life "suddenly" after certain corrections of the field generator. For example, those trees that following a shock were pronounced dead and marked for discard by Professor Chartier. They returned to life after their vital spark had already gone. The signs of a dead plant, especially in trees, are very simple – the absence of turgid, ready-to-open buds and the absence of the plants’ blood – the arboreal sap – in a freshly broken small twig. The lack of arboreal sap in the crack site means that the sprig is dead, and the lack of young leaves or turgid buds all over the tree indicates that the tree has completely died.

This was always the case until the influence of the psi-field generator came into play. Those trees, already marked for the chopping block, came back to life vigorously, thrusting out young leaves after their death had been officially "registered". Unfortunately, a few trees were cut down, which happened before I knew of this and could have stopped the rush to remove them. Then the felling of trees dead from shock was halted and… most of them "arose" from the dead. More of this later, but for now – some words about new "marvels"…

On the twentieth of April our gardener began to lay out our berry-vegetable garden. In a space clear of trees and bushes he broke up beds, enclosed everything with a net and a new vegetable garden was ready for guests to take up residence. (Fig. 1). Quite quickly, nursery plants of gooseberry, white, yellow and black currants, whortleberry and raspberry were occupying all the free "apartments". The sprouts of garden strawberry, strawberry, lettuce, carrot, potato, parsley, dill and other "garden trifles" likewise found cozy habitats. (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4).

Our new vegetable garden


Our new vegetable garden


Our new vegetable garden


It would have looked like an ordinary vegetable garden – nothing special, except for just one catch: within two weeks after planting, the strawberries (Fig. 5) began to ripen, and after a couple of days were totally ripe (Fig. 6)! And not in a greenhouse, but in beds in the open air and in the same soil as usual – i.e., limestone! Our neighbors also planted young strawberries outdoors at the same time as we did, but they did not see their first berries any sooner than a month.

Our new vegetable garden






The "behavior" of the strawberries under the influence of the field generator, though, was very unusual, but somehow did not "feel" that "unusual". Our neighbors had to wait a month for ripened strawberries. However, the "behavior" of nursery plants of currant, gooseberry and whortleberry was simply incredible! They were planted in a soil far from optimal. But still, they took root very well and by the end of April young leaves had already appeared (Fig. 7).

All this would have been within reasonable limits but... the nursery plants of currant, gooseberry and whortleberry broke into bloom almost simultaneously with the appearance of their leaves. And this also would not be such a significant event, but for the fact that a few days later these nursery plants had their berries as well (Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10)! So all these berries appeared and ripened almost simultaneously!

Currant, gooseberries and whortleberries






Certainly, there is nothing unusual in the ripening of berries. It is just surprising that all these plants effloresced almost simultaneously (which is rare for such diverse plants) and their berries and fruits also ripened simultaneously at the beginning of June (Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig. 14, Fig. 15, Fig. 16, Fig. 17), which is impossible in nature!





Black currant


Yellow raspberries




Raspberries and whortleberries


Every berry and fruit has its own time frame for ripening; at least that was the conventional wisdom before these events. Again, let us recall that all these specimens were planted simultaneously in lime soil, one of the worst soils for sprouting practically any plant. Considering these were plants raised outdoors (not in greenhouses) it would seem impossible to see such different berries and fruits together on the same platter (Fig. 18)!



Red currant


Different berries on one plate


But "marvels" with our vegetable garden were nothing compared to the next results of the psi-field generator’s influence. The summer of 2005 was especially droughty. France languished with unbearable heat at the end of July and during the whole month of August. That is why I decided to make some improvement in the psi-field generator. The thrust of this improvement was to create conditions for the synthesis of water within the plants by the very plants themselves.

As the saying goes, if the mountain doesn’t go to Mohammed – Mohammed must go to the mountain. Figuratively here of course, the plant is the "mountain" and the water is "Mohammed". It turns out that the plant "wen" to the water thanks to the very successful improvements made on the psi-generator. Owing to these improvements most plants of our garden and park did not die, as befell myriad plants in France and all over Europe. However, there is something even more startling… Water plants (with maximum dependence on water) were transformed – they now began to synthesize water in such a way that they could function almost without exogenous water!

Such a reaction of the plants to changes in the psi-generator was pretty unexpected for us! Although if we keep our feelings out of it and simply analyze the facts, everything becomes clear despite its seeming incredibility. Water plants suffered the most from the strong drought and heat, because they were the most dependant upon the water supply. That is why they responded so strongly to the program I installed of water synthesis by plants, since the psi-field generator’s influence was proportional to each water plant’s need.

Thus, water plants, in particular, underwent maximal changes, with especially strong effects of the psi-generator showing up in the water lilies – Lysichiton camtschatcensis. In fact, the change reached such a degree, that they practically needed no exogenous water source at all; rather, they were able to access territory on dry land that had previously been inaccessible to them. (Fig. 19). Like the ancestors of all plants that went out onto dry land, our water-lilies decided to "repair an omission" and develop areas new to them.

Only this time to undertake such an "heroic" act our water-lilies did not have to mutate and adapt to new conditions of a natural habitat over the course of millions of years! This time under the influence of the psi-field generator they changed internally, rather than externally and ... here we have a new miracle of nature – Lysichiton camtschatcensis converted into a land plant while remaining ostensibly a water plant both externally and internally.

This cannot be but, nevertheless, it is! It does not occur this way naturally simply because nature does not possess cognition. Rather, nature operates by trial-and-error until a stable form of living organism appears in a favorable habitat and… the next niche of the ecological system becomes occupied by a new species. Nature "spends" millions of years on this process (Fig. 20). This is the so-called process of mutation and natural selection, which is driven by blind force and lacks a rational constituent. Herewith, to allay doubts about the present developments, is a reference about Lysichiton camtschatcensis:

Lysichiton camtschatcensis – ARUMLILY, Lisichiton Americanus.

Height: from 20cm to 60 cm. Situation: full sun or partial shade. Must be very wet conditions. Propagation: place seeds in a tray of soil-based compost in a plastic tray with drainage holes, placing it in a larger, water filled tray without holes. Lisichiton requires very wet conditions, and filling the outer tray with water up to soil mix surface level will produce the best conditions for germination*.

Thus, as per the reference data, Lysichiton camtschatcensis is indeed a water plant—and the fact is that this plant, without changing externally, turned into a "land" plant. Moreover, this fact, which simply cannot be, yet exists, and is one of the examples of rendering the impossible possible. Certainly, nobody expected such a striking reaction on the part of the water-lilies to the influence of the psi-field generator, which actually transformed them into plants with the capacity to synthesize their own water supply. However, this is precisely the modification that would be the most desirable under the circumstances. It is just that the reality surpassed all expectations! But it was not the only surprising reaction of the plants to modifications in the psi-generator!

I would like to recall that several years ago the climate in the valley of the Loire began to change toward a distinctly continental climate, manifesting as a drop in the winter air temperature to below zero Celsius, sometimes down to –18° C, which has never happened before. In the winter of 2006 the valley was covered with snow; lakes and rivers were ice-bound and the temperature reached –14° C! The changing weather conditions obliged us to rescue numerous tropical and subtropical plants of our park and garden from dying of frost.

Tropical and subtropical plants die from frost quite quickly because their bark does not protect the sapwood layer (a layer of the tree trunk between kernel and cambium) where arboreal sap – the blood of the tree – circulates. The sapwood layer is formed by young tender cells of the tree; the nearer to the cambium layer, the younger and more tender these cells. This is the reason why they are the most vulnerable part of the tree trunk. Between the sapwood and the bark there is a layer of living cells called the cambium.

As the tree grows, the cells of this layer are divided and form new cells of the sapwood layer and the trunk. Thus, the tree trunk grows in width and height. The internal layers of sapwood cells nearest to the so-called kernel of the trunk (actually the wood) die off and become new layers of this kernel. The bark of the tree consists of the external cork layer and the internal bast layer. An outward cork layer protects the tree from atmospheric influences and mechanical damages; the internal (bast) layer of the bark transmits, down the trunk, the organic nutritives produced in the leaves of the crown.

This is a mechanism of the tree’s metabolism that provides vital functions of this plant; the bast layer of the trunk and sapwood layers carry out functions similar to those of the circulatory and lymphatic systems of animals. However, instead of red blood (as in animals), a transparent, practically colorless, arboreal sap (the blood of the tree) circulates through the tree’s vessels. Hence, the process is analogous; the sap of plants functions the same as red blood in animals.

Both the bast layer of the bark and the sapwood, through which the arboreal sap fllows, are protected only by the cork layer of the bark. The plants growing in warm parts of the world – tropical, subtropical, subequatorial and equatorial climatic zones – have very thin external cork layers that lack the heat-insulating properties possessed by the bark of northern trees. That is why these plants are very sensitive to sub-zero temperatures.

The bast layer of the bark especially suffers from frost, as it is the nearest to the external environment. When the arboreal sap freezes, crystals of ice form and tear up the living cells of the tree’s barrel and vessels. It happens because of the water’s special property of expanding upon freezing. Moreover, the heavy cork layer of conifers does not protect them from extreme frost; they also suffer cracked barrels from the frozen arboreal sap. Therefore, to prevent any plant from dying of heavy frost one must prevent the freezing of the arboreal sap, or, at least, if freezing occurs, must keep the small crystals of ice from tearing the living cells of the tree’s barrel and vessels where the arboreal juice is circulating.

Ice frogs too can congeal and be transformed into a chunk of ice owing to the formation of small ice crystals. If dropped in this state, the frog can be easily smashed. But if an ice frog avoids being shattered, the small ice crystals melt under sunlight and the frog returns to life without any damage, internal or external. Thus nature found a way out for amphibians, but plants have not acquired such an evolutionary trait. However, nature gives us "hints" for possible methods of working out similar problems with plants. It’s as though nature is telling us: "Come on, be daring! There are plenty of solutions—you just need to use your brain a little and the seemingly impossible will become possible for plants too. It’s possible for amphibians, isn't it! "

We have only to emulate the effect observed on frogs to create conditions for preventing the freezing of arboreal sap and almost any plant, even an evergreen, will not die at sub-zero temperatures. So, the solution of the problem is clear—we need only figure out practical methods of solving it. For this purpose we must change the arboreal sap of plants so that it does not freeze or, when it does, the crystals formed will be too small to tear the living cells into pieces and destroy them.

Therefore, to accomplish this, I made some additional adjustments in the functioning of my psi-field generator. Under the influence of the psi-generator, the arboreal sap derived from ordinary water changed its qualities. The density of the water and, consequently, of the arboreal sap, changed substantially: its fluidity increased and its qualitative structure changed, as manifested in the altered form and structure of so-called clusters of water. As a result, the arboreal sap of plants stopped freezing.

This solution allowed us to rescue practically all the trees in our garden and park, no matter how sensitive and choosy they were. And again, different plants reacted differently to such corrections triggered by the effect of the force generator. But the reaction of one very heat-loving plant was absolutely unexpected. We believe this warrants a detailed description…

The nursery plants of the Japanese plum, detailed below, were planted in our park and endured the harsh, frost-laden winter of 2006:

LOQUATS-Eriobotrya, Photinia Japonica from the family of Rosaceae. Japanese Plums.

Tree-bush, up to 1,60-2 meters, evergreen. Fruits: up to 5 cm, pear-shaped, orange-yellow. Loquats have very large, leathery, corrugated leaves, wooly-white underneath, and fragrant, furry, white-yellowish flowers. The fruits are orange, with one or more big brown-black seeds and sweet, acid, chewy pulp. Are eaten raw, stewed, or as jams or jellies. First reported in 1690, these were imported from Canton to Kew Gardens in London in 1787. Widely cultivated in the East, they are now popular in the Mediterranean countries and in Florida. Varieties: "advance", "champagne" and "gold nugget". Cultivation: Well-drained soil, warm climate. They will crop only under the glass or in countries with warm winter. Loquats grow in zones 9-10. Very architectural plant with a lovely perfumed scent. Make tall and attractive screens in a countries with a warm climate. Maintenance: Spring – prune if needed, summer; move outdoors for summer if it’s warm; fall – move indoors**.

As deduced from the terms of cultivation, the Japanese plum cannot even survive outdoors in the climatic conditions of France, especially in those of the valley of the Loire during recent years, when the winter temperature fell considerably below zero!

Water Lilies – Lysichiton camtschatcensis


Water Lilies – Lysichiton camtschatcensis


Our soil – red clay


Besides, there are no other soils in our park and garden, except for red clay and limestone (Fig. 21, Fig. 22, Fig. 23)! Red clay is named "red" because of its copious iron content, specifically iron oxide, which is a negative factor for the growth of many plants. "Apartments" of our Japanese plums are, precisely, embedded in red clay, which, as is generally known, accumulates water very readily (Fig. 22), a situation quite unacceptable for these plants. This is true especially, when it rains continuously for months and everything literally floats in water. More of this later, but for now let us return to the events unfolding in chronological order...

After an extraordinarily cold and snowy winter in 2006 (see "The Source of life–2") it was simply unbelievable, when after the resulting frosts, our Japanese plums did not die. This is especially amazing considering the living conditions of these evergreen natives of hot countries. Furthermore, they also effloresced vigorously and yielded abundant fruits at the beginning of June! It was simply incredible! Fruits of these capricious and very heat-demanding tropical evergreens can be produced in a French climate only in greenhouses! But our Loquats (Japanese plum) gave us an abundant harvest of fruits after growing outdoors in the so unusual (for France) winter of 2006... The period of flowering for the Japanese plum usually encompasses two weeks; fruits start to appear and then ripen more quickly or slowly, depending on the summer temperature and amount of sun.

Well, the fruits of some Japanese plums ripened—so what? What is so unusual here? The fact is that this simply could not happen and specialists are well aware of it, especially those, who cultivate and study tropical evergreens! But this was not the last surprise of the anti-frost correction of the force generator. After two weeks of blossoming in the spring of 2006, the Japanese plum quietly shed its blossoms; after flowering, after flowering, the ovules (young seeds in the pistil) appeared and, in the usual allotted time, the plum brought forth its fruit. It seemed that there was nothing more to expect of this tropical evergreen.

Nobody anticipated what happened next, but it does not diminish the importance of the result. When something is done for the first time, it is impossible to guess the reaction of different plants to the influence of the force generator; in fact every plant has its own features, its individual distinctions, that show up not only in the external characteristics.

Everyone is accustomed to the idea that the appearance of both animals and plants is determined only by chromosomes. At least, it is a generally held concept, so geneticists always refer to such manifestations, and selectionists also work in this context. But such manifestations of chromosomes are only "the tip of the iceberg" of what nature lays down into sets of chromosomes, both plant and animal. Therefore, it is impossible to know how an underlying chromosomal pattern (set) will react to the influence of the psi-field generator.

So we can only observe and study the reaction of a plants’ genetics to the influence of the generator and to the modifications introduced into its structure. The problem is that nothing like this has ever been studied or, at least, reported or published before. So, the major "marvels" of the Japanese plum began…when it effloresced again at the end of September to the beginning of October of 2006!

On September 26, 2006 my wife, Svetlana, was greatly surprised to discover numerous buds on the branches of the Japanese plum. Certainly September in France is not like September in the Arctic Circle. However, although in France we generally don't have such temperature extremes - still by September the nights are pretty cold and climate conditions are far from optimal for the Japanese plum (Fig. 24).

Our soil – red clay


Our soil – limestone


The Japanese plum


Moreover, the Japanese plum does not flower twice a year even in its place of origin! And here, in the French open air it suddenly "decided" to effloresce! But this was only beginning of our "marvels"! Buds of the Japanese plum appeared and flowered, as if nothing had happened, as if "forgetting" that it was autumn (Fig. 25). At the end of October buds opened up and the air around trees was filled with the amazing aroma of Japanese plum (Fig. 26)! At the beginning of November the fruit's ovules appeared (Fig. 27) which gradually transformed into fruits beginning to mature. The only divergence from the usual process was that the lack of heat slightly slowed down the formation of the fruit (Fig. 28).

The Japanese plum


The Japanese plum


The Japanese plum


Perhaps, the Japanese plum’s example was "contagious" for mushrooms. Chanterelles, for example, both reached an impressive size and appeared for the second time in October (Fig. 29). Naturally, chanterelles in different countries and in different climatic zones do not appear at the same time; and in the valley of the Loire they appear in the spring, "confirming» their appearance at the "allotted" time. The distinctive feature of "our" chanterelles was that they "appeared" for the second time and were of fairy-tale proportion! But that was not all! Our chanterelles appeared in October but did not stop there! Giant chanterelles emerged from the earth at the end of December 2006, when in the Loire valley the temperature fell to -12 degrees C.

And here is one for "global warming" fans—severe frost is currently occurring in regions of Europe where it has never been before—and not only in Europe, but that is a story for another day... And now, let us return to our "marvels".

Not only one chanterelle acquired such size, but almost all of them. Moreover, December chanterelles even outdid the size of those in October, so that the latter looked like "toddlers" in comparison. (Fig. 30, Fig. 31).

The Japanese plum






These chanterelles grew at a very low temperature, when the sub-zero temperature prevailed both day and night (Fig. 32, Fig. 33)! All this transpired in December 2006 and the size of the "petite" chanterelle was 26 cm (Fig. 34)! In the photo the chanterelle is displayed against the background of the French newspaper dated December 27, 2006, so that anyone who is in doubt can check the temperature in the Loire valley according to official sources.







As a matter of fact, there were multitudes of mushrooms in autumn and in the first month of the winter of 2006. Besides chanterelles, there were mushroom "cities" of white and rose mushrooms, shitaki mushrooms, etc. in the glades and kerbs of the paths. I have already written about them in "The Source of life-1" and "The Source of life-2". In this article chanterelles are honored with such attention because they decided to follow their colleagues with some delay and not only outdid all of them in size but also became impervious to frost!

So, chanterelles accepted December frosts with total calm. Moreover, even if these mushrooms did not grow at the end of autumn and in December, their mycelia endured hard frosts without any problem until the warm weather would summon them to life from the "underground shelter" of their mycelia. This is quite another matter for evergreen Japanese plums of tropical origin: such climatic conditions and soil are simply incompatible with their life! However, the evergreen Japanese plum turned into an almost everblossoming plant under the influence of the generator!

The fact is that, the Japanese plums began to flower for a second time in September 2006 and their last buds and flowers fully blossomed at the end of January 2007! For a second time the Japanese plum has been flowering for more than four months! It is important to note, that their flowering took place concomitant with the formation of their fruits; and their last flowering in January occurred after the December frosts (Fig. 35).

But the Japanese plum’s fruit, while gathering its force slowly, did not die from the sub-zero temperature! As a matter of fact it is very rare phenomenon, to see fruits and flowers on a plant at the same time (Fig. 36). But another very serious test awaited the Japanese plum…



The Japanese plum


The Japanese plum


At the end of January... there was a heavy snowfall and a severe frost (down to –18°Ñ) and our evergreen and almost everblossoming Japanese plum, native of tropical countries, was blanketed in snow (Fig. 37). For several days everything was covered with snow, albeit a thin layer, but still the landscape gave the impression of being in Russia rather than in the valley of the Loire River (Fig. 38). It is very unusual to see magnolias buds covered with snow, but in January 2007 it became possible (Fig. 39).

The Japanese plum


Our estate blanketed by snow




It would seem, that after such frost and snow with a severe southwest wind blowing constantly, both the Japanese plum and magnolia buds must perforce "surrender". However, this did not happen, nor did evergreens from tropical countries succumb to the marrow-chilling winds that blew in the same direction for four months. Incidentally, this wind killed a multitude of aboriginal trees in France outside our park and magnolia garden, but the Japanese plums did not die and even a heavy frost did not damage their leaves and fruit (Fig. 40). By the middle of February the fruit of the Japanese plum even increased in size and began to shed the white fluff that young fruits usually have (Fig. 41). Neither did the magnolia buds die. Moreover, they reached enormous size in the first half of February, which was two months ahead of nature’s schedule (Fig. 42).

The Japanese plum


The Japanese plum




In addition to the magnolias’ budding, the cherries bloomed and sprouts of strawberries appeared in our vegetable garden by mid-February (Fig. 43). Also one of our artichokes (Artichoke – Cynara scolymus. Asteraceae) stuck its leaves through the earth; the grass of rozeola flowers (Rosemary – Rosmarinus, from the family Lamiaceaea) and all the other beds of our vegetable garden are already green. And all this happened in the middle of February (Fig. 44, Fig. 45, Fig. 46)!



Artichoke – <I>Cynara scolymus. Asteraceae</I>




In February almost incessant rains added to all the other "charms" of the weather and, by the beginning of March, rivers burst their banks, leaving both highways and many houses submerged (Fig. 47, Fig. 48).

Our garden in February


A small flood


A small flood


Although our castle is on the top of the hill, those huge masses of water falling from the sky do not have time to leak through the limestone into the subterranean waters. To tell the truth, there is no place for water to leak out – everything is filled with it to the maximum (Fig. 49). Nature seriously put to the test all those changes in the plants of our park and garden, which were caused by the influence of the psi-field generator. The southwestern winds blowing continuously for four months were a true ordeal for any plant. Other "tests" of nature were: heavy frosts in December and January accompanied by winds that considerably reinforced the effect of the frost on the plants; continuous rains in February and the beginning of March of 2007. All these natural factors, created extraordinarily severe conditions for plants in this climatic zone of France.

Aboriginal plants died throughout France; however, on our domain both local and tropical plants survived and were perfectly well under the special conditions created by the force generator. I should like to emphasize that for tropical plants the weather conditions mentioned above are lethal! All this cannot be, because it can never be! But yet it exists and is irrefutable fact, so paradigms must be changed! This is how fairy tales and everything science fiction authors dream about become reality…

Despite the weather ordeals mentioned above, magnolia buds began to open at the end of February and by the beginning of March we were glad to see some of them displaying their amazing flowers. The branches of magnolia "Soulangiana" (Magnolia X soulangeana) were covered with fully opened light-pink flowers (Fig. 50). The flowers of magnolia "Royal crown" (Magnolia liliflora "Nigra"X M. X veitchii) are almost full opened. They are much bigger than last year (Fig. 51) and their indescribable beauty simply takes our breath away.

A light flood


Magnolia «Soulangiana»


Magnolia «Royal crown»


For those in doubt, that this flower bloomed at the beginning of March 2007, my wife Svetlana photographed it against the background of a magazine dated February 2007 to prove that it is not from last year’s picture collections and not a photomontage (Fig. 52). The buds of magnolia «Iolanthe» surprised us by their size. The flowers surely will be enormous— much larger than last year (Fig. 53)! Incessant rain in the second half of February did not have any effect on them and the flowers of this magnolia which blossomed at the beginning of March are simply magnificent and so enormous (Fig. 54).

Magnolia «Royal crown»


Magnolia «Iolanthe»


Magnolia «Royal crown»


Magnolias and cherries were not the only ones that manifested themselves so robustly by the beginning of March. The small bushes of raspberry have already produced their leaves which, though very soft are quite strong (Fig. 55) and the small bushes of strawberry preen themselves under the still infrequent rays of the spring sun (Fig. 56). This would not be so surprising if everything transpiring in our park and garden were happening throughout the territory of the Loire valley in particular and in France in general.

However, the fact is that everything described in this article and the two previous ones about the "marvels" of our park and garden transpires only within the limits of action of the psi-field generator and nowhere else! Outside our domains nature behaves as usual. Even within one hundred meters from the border of influence of our field generator, everything goes on as usual for this time of year—no flowers nor blossoms burgeoning, no unusual plant dimensions. Plants, mushrooms, trees grow as they usually do, etc.

Only in our park and garden like in the fairy-tale "Twelve Months", winter wonders happen – different plants blossom and bear fruit at the same time! Before I created my psi-field generator and subsequently made some adjustments there was nothing like this within the limits of our domain—neither singularities nor anomalies. Plants grew the way they grew everywhere else and there were no enormous sizes of flowers and mushrooms.







P.S. While I was finishing this article new "marvels" appeared. Apple-trees (Fig. 57) effloresced and the buds of magnolia "Iolanthe" (Fig. 58) began to open up. They are incredibly enormous—much larger than last year, but that is a story for another day...

P.P.S. While this article was revised and published on my website, "marvels" were still transpiring... The strawberries (Fig. 59) began blossoming as did many other plants…

Magnolia «Iolanthe»





* "The Master Book of the Water Garden" by Philip Swindells, p. 223, A Bulfinch Press Book Little, Brown&Company;, Boston, New York, London, 2002, first North American Edition by Salamander Books.

** "Vegetables, Herbs & Fruits" an illustrated encyclopedia, p. 494. Laurel Glen Publishing, 1994, 5880 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, California.

Nicolai Levashov, March 10, 2007

To be continued...

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