Nicolai Levashov
About Spirit, Mind and many other things...

The Source of Life

Part 1

Photographs taken by my wife Svetlana de Rohan-Levashov

Not long ago, I returned to writing my new book about Russia’s past – Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. This required wading through a myriad of sources concerning many different aspects of Russian past events. Several years ago, I had already come across a body of literature known as the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. On reading them, I was awestruck by what I had discovered for the first time in my life – an amazingly beautiful, harmonious and integral system of concepts handed down to us by our Slavonic forbears.

Most who read them focus on the supposedly religious beliefs of the ancient Aryan-Slavs. Since most people are looking only for God, they are unable to perceive the astonishing information hidden in the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Why hidden? – you may ask! For one simple reason: it was the only way to preserve and transmit accurate information to their far distant descendants. They were designed for those distant descendents, who, through many successive generations, would become "sleep walkers", unable to awaken and correctly grasp the transmitted information. This has been going on for thousands of years and now it is time for all sleepers to wake up. This process will not be immediate and simultaneous. Some will awaken earlier, some later, some will be unable to do so without help, and some will never awaken at all.

According to the Slavonic-Aryan calendar, the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas emerged from the "underground" only after an interval of time known as the "last Night of Svarog", which ended in 7506, or in 1996 according to current chronology . A thousand years ago volkhvs-keepers (wizard overseers) went underground for the entire duration of the last Night of Svarong, which turned out to be one of the most merciless and bloody epochs in history.

The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas are written in such a way that only an enlightened person can grasp a true sense of the information embedded there. This information is written on several levels of comprehension, so that a reader can understand only what is commensurate with his level of evolutionary development – no more, no less. Simply memorizing by rote the meaning of the Slavonic-Aryan runes does not yield a correct reading or allow one to penetrate the deeper levels of information contained therein. This prevents crucial information from falling into the hands of wrongdoers or incompetents incapable of discharging vital tasks. A person not ready to perceive such information will be unable to notice its presence even if he attentively reads through the whole text. This applies not only to sacred texts, but to any other content as well. A person’s brain perceives only that information he is ready to accept or that he trusts...

In accordance with the information his brain has assimilated as a basis for his beliefs, a person unconsciously chooses only that incoming information that agrees with his basis. In other words, what happens is an unconscious filtering of all incoming information. The creators of the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas used precisely this trait of the human brain. By writing the crucial content on progressively deeper levels of accessibility, they safely preserved the secrets of the sacred knowledge. This protective strategy foiled the Dark Forces’ attempt to infiltrate the sacred secrets of the Light Forces. Changing their tactics, the Dark Forces began to seize and destroy books, as well as other information sources, after pilfering some crumbs of sacred knowledge they could understand. On the basis of these fragments, they created several secret doctrines of their own…however, that is a story for another day.

As I continued working with the Slavonic-AryanVedas, my attention became drawn to a most revealing passage in the Second Message:

Divine Forces helped the Clans to create
Directing their life towards righteous deeds…
They replenished the Race by a hidden source
Preserved in an ancient secret place...
The Gods foresaw the Darkness on Midgard
And decided to help the Race’s descendants…
It happened in ancient times,
When three Moons shone above Midgard.
The Source was placed in the bowels of the earth
But access was concealed in the ancient heart of the forest.
Where it gathered its force in the depths of the earth
Seeping through the surface at different places.
Still not every land of the Holy Race
had the Eternal Source of the Divine Force.
It streamed only where according to legend
Gods put the forces of life into Midgard …

This excerpt can reveal much if we understand what is hidden beneath the commonplace words. Three moons shone above Midgard until 111,182 years ago Tarkh Dazdbog destroyed one of these moons, Lelia, along with the bases of the Dark Forces on it. This indicates that the Source was buried in the bowels of the earth before the destruction of Lelia...

The reason for installation of the Source was simple: As our galaxy rotated, our Midgard–Earth happened to be approaching an area in space where the distribution of primary matter streams would create favorable conditions for the manipulation and capture of human beings by the Dark Forces. It is precisely the distribution of streams of primary matters that influence the formation and evolutionary development of a human being’s spiritual bodies. When the distribution is disproportional, it has a profound effect on what kind of primary matters dominate.

For example, when the third spiritual body (the astral body) has an excess of primary matters, an evolutionary warp is created. This enables the Dark Forces to manipulate humans to behave in ways they would otherwise never do. An evolutionary warp occurring at the initial stage of a person’s evolutionary development is rather dangerous; the absence of the fourth (and higher) bodies, plus disproportionate development of the third body tends to trigger the emergence of aggressiveness, cruelty, envy, and greed, etc. Thus, the third body excessive satiation, which nurtures the negative qualities mentioned above, provides the Dark Forces a perfect opportunity to take over the warped individuals and work through them to manipulate everything that happens on Midgard-Earth. Most of the people who manage to get through the initial stages of evolutionary development appear to have immunity to this warp; this slightly retards their development, but does not create conditions for their possible take-over by Dark Forces.

Both Light and Dark Forces are aware of this danger zone in evolutionary development. It cannot be by-passed since it is impossible to avoid the stage of embryonic growth in human beings. The Dark Forces try to use this developmental Achilles’ heel of every civilization to take control over both the civilizations and the Earth-planets they inhabit. Therefore, the tactics and strategy of the Dark Forces are geared toward preparing Earth-planets of interest to them for possible capture. When an Earth-planet approaches an area of space with a negative evolutionary warp they either exploit a planet’s primitive stage of development or simply create it

A negative evolutionary warp is an external field that makes people at their initial stage of development become attuned to it. It is akin to a powerful magnet that magnetizes pieces of metal and transforms them into its own polarity. If pieces of metal are already magnetized, it requires an external magnetic field ten times as powerful in order to reverse their polarity. People in their initial evolutionary stages are like unmagnetized pieces of metal. That is why the Dark Forces are particularly effective at that time. They manage with incredible ease to capture Earth-planets that are passing through a vicinity of negative evolutionary warp. They merely have to let such "ripe fruit" drop into their hands. But such luck – catching an earth planet, in its initial stage of evolution moving through a warped area – happens very rarely.

Therefore, Dark Forces will frequently create conditions for this. If a target civilization has already passed through its initial stages of evolution Dark (parasitic) Forces apply the following strategy: On such a target they first create planetary cataclysms which destroy the infrastructure of the civilization. The survivors, perforce, are reduced to a primitive level of development and are easily taken over when their planet enters a negative evolutionary area of space. One may ask – «What do Dark Forces need all this for?» The answer is that Dark Forces do not require empty or destroyed Earth-planets. However – these space parasites need slaves to develop the natural resources of their own planets, after which the victim planets are destroyed along with their no longer needed slaves. Then, on they depart in pursuit of their next victim planet.

All of these machinations were well known to the Light Forces. Their strategy involved barring the Dark Forces’ attempts to cast the Earth-planets’ civilizations down to the primitive level. This included both minimizing Dark Force activity and neutralizing its ensuing consequences. The Light Forces applied both maneuvers on our Midgard-Earth planet – 111,812 years ago Tarkh Dazdbog destroyed one of our moons, Lelia, along with the bases of the Dark Forces located there. However, it was impossible to avert a catastrophe: Lelia’s fragments rained down on Midgard-Earth, causing Da’Aria to sink into the Arctic Ocean. Nevertheless, the civilization of Midgard-Earth was not plunged into a level of primitive savagery and the Dark Forces had to retreat.

Unfortunately for our Midgard-Earth, their second attempt was successful. The leaders of Antlan (Atlantis), who were caught in a negative evolutionary warp, became conduits for the Dark Forces and 13,014 years ago unleashed a planetary war for world domination... To this end, they used nuclear weapons and tried to control the elemental forces of Midgard-Earth. However, they lost control of the situation and the second moon, Fatta, began to fall on Midgard-Earth. To save the planet from destruction God Niy destroyed Fatta, but the falling fragments appeared to be too large to salvage the situation. As a result, Antlan (Atlantis) sank into the ocean abyss. Moreover, as a result of Fatta’s falling fragments, the axis of Midgard-Earth shifted its angle by 23.5 degrees. This sparked a plethora of natural disasters and ushered in a new glacial age.

At last the Dark Forces achieved their cherished goal – after this planetary disaster, most of the planet’s survivors plunged rapidly into savagery. With the total wipe-out of the civilization’s infrastructure, only a fraction of the survivors managed to keep their civilized level but were then unable to control the situation on Midgard-Earth. All they could do was to preserve the knowledge and information about these events. The Dark Forces, now on the verge of celebrating their victory, learned that their rejoicing was somewhat premature. The Light Force Hierarchies, foreseeing what these vicissitudes in the turn of events could bring about, placed a Source of the Force deep in the bowels of the earth. Its purpose was to serve as a counterbalance to the negative evolutionary warp that appeared whenever Midgard-earth entered the spatial zone with a negative distribution of primary matters.

In accordance with the rotation of the galaxy, Midgard-earth periodically entered such a counter-evolutionary zone and moved within it for a long period of time before exiting. The duration of passage through such negative zones could vary from several hundreds up to several thousands of years. Our ancestors called those periods when Midgard-Earth passed through negative zones the "Nights of Svarog". The last and heaviest Night of Svarog has shrouded Midgard-Earth during the period called "the Seven Circles of Life" – that is, for 1,008 years – from 6496 (988 A.D.) until 7504 (1995-1996 A.D.).

The "heaviness" of any Night of Svarog is gauged by the size of the negative evolutionary warp created within such zones. The more negative the warp, the "darker" the Night of Svarog and the easier it is for parasitic Dark Forces to take over and subdue the inhabitants of planet Earth. The more powerful the external spatial warp, the more difficult it is for any individual harmonious development to take place. That is, it is far harder for a person to avoid the manifestations of aggressiveness and cruelty and withstand the barrage of lower instincts and emotions.

A spatial negative warp re-tunes the qualitative structure of a human spirit to be in sync with its negative characteristics. It occurs with exceptional ease at the initial stage of a person’s evolutionary development and explains why the Dark Forces prefer a Night of Svarog period to take over civilizations. Only an iron will and high moral principles can enable one to counteract the negative evolutionary influence of the Night of Svarog and develop beyond the initial evolutional stage of an intelligent animal.

Our ancestors and the Light Hierarchies were aware of these natural phenomena and therefore buried the Source of Force deep within the bowels of Midgard-Earth in order to offset the negative evolutionary warp as much as possible.

The Race was replenished by a hidden source
Preserved in an ancient secret place…
The Gods foresaw the Darkness on Midgard
and chose to help the Race’s descendants…

The Light Hierarchies recognized the Source’s ability to counteract the disadvantage of the negative evolutionary warp during the Nights of Svarong. Thus, outlets of the Source to the surface were not fixed in any one particular site since the negative warp itself was not qualitatively and quantitatively permanent even within one Night of Svarog. For this reason the neutralizing influence of the Source was applied upon a negative evolutionary warp that changed with time. Thus outlets of the Source appeared on the surface of Midgard-Earth in different places at different times... Periodically these outlets simply disappeared in one place and appeared in another.

It mustered its force in the depths of the earth
seeping through the surface in different places.
Still not every land of the Holy Race
had the Eternal Source of Divine Force…

At the sites of the outlet to the surface of Midgard-Earth the Source’s Light Force accelerated one’s evolutionary development. These sites were kept secret from enemies and the uninitiated. The blocking of one’s genetic abilities was also removed at these sites.

Following the Antlan (Atlantis) disaster, the Light Hierarchies placed a generator deep in the bowels of the earth. Its purpose was to block the manifestation of genetic abilities until the carrier reached a level of evolutionary development that would allow him to fully recognize his responsibility for every deed. This occurs when a person reaches a level of development whereby his spirit acquires six material bodies in addition to his physical body . Upon reaching this level, he has completed the planetary cycle of evolution and enters the space (cosmic) cycle of evolution...

The Light Hierarchies were compelled to bury the blocking generator deep within the earth, after the irrational action of the Antlan leaders attempted to use elemental forces for their own selfish ends and almost totally destroyed Midgard-Earth 13,014 years ago. The Light Forces thereby created an original system of protection, which barred an evolving person from using his genetic potential until he reached an understanding of the consequences of his actions and awareness of his responsibility for them. This would be attainable by way of a harmonious development through enlightenment and knowledge. Such development is secured mostly by completion of the planetary cycle of evolution. Thus, as noted above, the outlets of the Source were kept in secrecy, because at those sites a person was free from the influence of the blocking generators.

As the Source of Life grants forces to all –
To people, to Gods and to different plants…
What does it reveal in the spirit of everyone,
What gifts does it allot to life…?
In Gods it reveals the forces concealed,
And gifts to people [are allotted ] according to their thoughts …

An interesting detail becomes clear from this fragment of the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Source of Life grants forces to both people and Gods. And moreover – the Source of Life reveals hidden powers in Gods and endows people according to their capacity to think...

From this excerpt it is quite clear that in ancient times our ancestors construed the concept of "God" quite differently from how we do now. Under the term "God" our ancestors subsumed Light Force Hierarchies and people who had the potential of becoming Gods. Actually it turns out that some people are "sleeping Gods" – that is, they have genetic abilities, which, if correctly developed, could allow them to reach high levels of evolutionary development. However, if they are under the influence of a blocking generator, they would be unable to manifest and realize their genetic abilities until they completed the planetary cycle of evolution. Most likely the volkhvs used the outlets of the Source of Life to discover "sleeping Gods" among the people in order to aid them in their spiritual development. Moreover, not everyone, even those of very good character, can pass through all the stages of planetary development and reach the level of cosmic development. Yet, more accurately speaking, there are still quite a few individuals capable of reaching that goal.

The catch is that unfortunately an individual rarely combines his natural abilities and genetic qualities with a harmonious development of personality – without which it is simply impossible to complete the planetary cycle of evolution. It is unacceptable for one to intervene consciously in these matters unless he is enlightened by knowledge. The latter implies an understanding of cause and effect relationships (the "who, what and why") of nature and human society. Additionally, it is necessary to have certain properties and qualities that allow accomplishing such interventions, along with full awareness of complete responsibility for every such action. Only when all this combines harmoniously in one individual, is there the possibility of completing the planetary cycle of evolution.

Thus, the outlets of the Source of Life were used for discovering people with strong evolutionary potential. People lacking this endowment were unable to demonstrate any special qualities or characteristics when in the vicinity of the outlet. That is why it is said that the Source of Life endows people with special qualities according to their thoughts. In the vicinity of the outlets, people with huge potential, that is "sleeping Gods", could perform at levels of potential impossible outside these zones. Only within the range of action of the Source, was it clear who was who. That is why the volkhvs kept the sites of the outlets secret, both from enemies and the uninitiated.

The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas depict the signs indicating the sites of outlets for the Source of Life:

Secrets of the origin of herbage near the Source
Were unknown to people until now...
Near the Source every plant
changed its properties and initial growth.
Mushrooms were a meter high,
endowed with a stony covering.
Fern grass grew up to the span
and berries of raspberry grew like trees.
What will happen to the Grass of Svarog,
when the time is ripe and sprouts appear?
What will the Source of Life impart to the grass?
Priests cannot answer these questions ...

In the vicinity of the Source’s outlets anomalous growth of plants appeared, which the priests could not explain. It appears that the volkhvs did not know the Source’s mechanism of action on people. Quite possibly the volkhvs-keepers merely knew of the existence and purpose of the Source’s hiding place deep beneath the earth, without knowing its mechanism of action. This arrangement was most likely done to keep the information completely secret. However, the Dark Forces tried to find these outlets in order to disable their blocking action. Hence the need to maintain absolute secrecy. Most likely the Source outlets were small; otherwise the anomalous growth of the vegetation would have given away their location

Now a few observations about the anomalous vegetative growth in the vicinity of the Source’s outlets: I was struck by the unusual coincidence of what was happening with my own plant experiments and the reaction of plants adjacent to the Source’s outlets. Dating back to my early childhood, it happened that whatever I planted took root and grew well. I cultivated several trees from branches which I first placed in water. According to local popular belief, I had a "magic touch". This explanation satisfied me then, though it did not give me an understanding as to why it was "magic" or how it differed from other "touches" that were not "magic". But when you’re a boy you do not pay attention to such "trivia". I thought, "Big deal – fledging trees have taken root and grown bigger". There was nothing unusual here. There were plenty of plants and trees around that were growing by themselves and had nothing to do with my "magic touch"…

So, my childish experiments with plants were interrupted for 10-12 years. I resumed them only in 1989. It happened accidentally between then and now. By then I had already worked out my formulation of the origin and nature of life and its evolution on the planet. As early as 1987, I had already derived the formula for an ecological system, clearly showing that all varieties of life forms are determined by a biological efficiency factor ("BEF" or "biological coefficient"). Thanks to the fact that angiosperm plants absorb about 10 per cent of the ambient sunlight through their leaves, our planet produces a rich diversity of life forms. The higher the percentage, the more vegetable biomass is synthesized on our Midgard-Earth, and the more varieties of animals, both herbivorous and carnivorous, populate the expanse of dry land and ocean depths .

So, at the end of January of 1989, I submersed the leaf of a native plant – the name of which I didn’t even know – into a glass of water. Suddenly, to my surprise, I got the idea of exerting my influence upon this leaf and changing its biological coefficient up to 30 percent. I then did it and began to observe… The leaf very quickly took root in the water – and the roots…looked like normal roots to me. It was difficult for me to guess what they would look like after my intervention. I knew nothing about this plant or how its roots would normally look. However, when I thought the root system seemed sufficiently developed, I transplanted it into a pot of soil and noted that the plant began to grow rapidly.

New leaves appeared, which also grew quite quickly. They had a deep emerald color and rather fleshy waxen surface. I photographed every step in the «saga» of the influenced leaf. To me everything seemed normal – and I had nothing to compare it with. Thus it continued until a woman who was a professional botanist came to see me. She scrutinized the flowering plant and then identified it by its Latin name. She asked me how I managed to get it to flower, since it was a very temperamental plant and bloomed only once in five years. When I told her that four months ago this flowering plant was a leaf that took root in water she did not believe it; however my chronologically dated photos convinced her of their authenticity. This was accidental confirmation that my experiment of altering a biological coefficient was successful and had yielded results quite unexpected by me. The modified plant had grown full bloom in four months instead of five years!

Subsequently I became occupied with other work and did not return to the plant experiments until the spring of 1990. At this time I had in mind an essentially new idea – namely, to change the biological coefficient of an entire agricultural crop. To apply the "magic touch" on each plant separately would be senseless and ineffective, so I decided to use a different way of changing the biological coefficient – to create a field embodying all the necessary changes and place it "like a hubcap" to cover the entire territory of the Soviet Union. No sooner said than done. I covered the whole USSR with the programmed field, placing it "hubcap fashion" and waited for the results. The spring and summer of 1990 were especially cold and rainy. Agricultural scientists appeared on TV every now and then, predicting meager crops because of the rain and cold.

A most interesting thing happened when it came time to harvest the crops. In 1990 the yield turned out to be… three times greater than in most bumper crop years. Nobody expected this so no one was prepared to harvest this record-breaking crop which remained mainly in the fields. Nor could anyone explain the triple record yield. Few people knew of my experiment. I was very committed to carrying out an impeccable experiment to obtain the most trustworthy data possible. This I succeeded in doing. What happened was simply impossible from the viewpoint of any specialist in the field. However, it did happen and no one has been able to refute it. This fact is fully compatible with the essence of an empirical experiment.

I returned to my plant experiments only in 2003 when my wife, Svetlana, designed a park and magnolia garden and began to lay them out on our estate in France. For this specific purpose she did extensive research on the diverse types of trees, conditions for their habitat, compatibility between various breeds etc., down to the finest details. She then created an amazing design for the park and magnolia garden. We have since amassed a unique collection of trees in our park (Fig.1). Some trees are rare in Europe while others grow in only one locale in Europe – our park and magnolia garden. In particular, there are numerous rare breeds in our garden of magnolias, where about four hundred different types were collected; some specimens exist only as a single replica in Europe.

In fact, our magnolia garden is unique in Europe where so many types of magnolias are collected. However, many of the plants are young, so it would require decades before our park and garden would attain their full beauty and grandeur. My wife, Svetlana, asked me whether it would be possible to intervene in any way so that she could still, in her lifetime, admire their beauty and the fruits of our labor. This reminded me about a past experiment with an indoor plant that had grown and flowered within the space of a few months, while all its outdoor counterparts took five years to bloom; and how, following this I created an external field that amplified the biological coefficient by 30 percent in the fields of the USSR. This gave me the idea of creating a permanent generator similar to the external field described above and burying it in the bowels of the earth beneath our castle. No sooner said than done. Thus, in 2003, I created an external field generator that provided a biological coefficient close to 30 percent and placed it under our castle. Since then we have been overseeing the results of the generator’s influence on plants in the park and garden.

Since we began laying out our park and garden, Professor Gerard Chartier has participated actively in this work. He is the most renowned botanist in Europe, the author of four books on the life of plants and trees, and a prominent specialist in the breeding of plants. He gives lectures in the universities of Nantes and Anger, as well as in a number of German and Italian universities. For 22 years he was the owner of the famous plant nursery, "Vegetal Service" where he conducted a number of experiments on different types of trees and plants. Two years ago he sold this nursery and devoted all his time to studying the phenomena of the plants growing in our park and magnolia garden. He has been supervising the results of our experiments since we began setting up our park and garden.

I would like to inform skeptics that before my creating and installing the field generator all the plants growing on our estate did not differ in the least from their counterparts growing in any other locale. Moreover, for supporting the growth of plants our soil (composed of limestone and red clay) is the worst one can find anywhere. Nevertheless, according to Professor Chartier, we are getting a phenomenal plant growth, the likes of which he has never seen nor heard of anywhere else. After almost three years of observing the phenomenal plant growth in our park and garden, he started writing a book about the astounding changes in our trees and magnolias. Further, he proposed founding a research institute on the site of our park and garden to study the growth phenomena of plants and trees. Therefore, all the plants and trees in our nursery are scrupulously documented as to size, time of implantation in the soil, etc., to avoid any recording slip-ups or other errors.

So, the field generator, which changed the biological coefficient of plants (and of other biological entities), was buried under our castle – and only on our property. It had no effect on the estates of our nearest neighbors though they were located only a few meters away. It actually covered several hectares of our park and magnolia garden, repeating their exact contours without touching our neighbors’ land nor our own field and forests where we were doing nothing at the moment.

Young nursery plants, both magnolias and other trees, reacted the most strongly to the generator. Other plants reacted differently, depending on their type. This was quite natural because plants have a wide spectrum of distinctive properties that must be taken into account in order to maximize the effect from the field generator. Interestingly, as mentioned in the Slavonic Aryan Vedas, those plants growing in the vicinity of the Source of Life outlets did not all react the same. The most susceptible were mushrooms, ferns, and especially raspberries that could grow like trees. Similarly, many of our plants have transformed considerably under the influence of our generator, which changes the biological coefficient of living vegetation. With every year these changes become more apparent and more numerous; we have observed very striking changes even within a period of two to three months.

For example, Paulownia Imperialis reacted very intensely to the influence of the generator (Fig. 2). Paulownia is a most amazing flowering tree that has been cultivated in China for over three millennia (Fig. 3). There is a tradition in China that on the day a daughter is born, they plant a young Paulownia. They expect that by the time the child grows up to be a bride, the tree will be large enough to make a wardrobe for her dowry. Also, Paulownia was thought to bring success and inspiration and often planted in places where boys were engaged in literary pursuits. Furthermore, the trunk, leaves, flowers and fruits of Paulownia were used in folk medicine. Medications made from them were applied to stimulate healthy hair growth and as an ingredient of hair dye, as well as a treatment for several illnesses both internal and topical. Outside of Asia, Paulownia is also called «the tree of the princess» possibly because it was named after a princess Anna Paulowna.

Nowadays there are six varieties of Paulownia: elongata, tomentosa, fargesii, forunei, glabrata, kawakamii. Our park has Paulownia tomentosa-Imperialis or Hairy Paulownia (Korea, Japan). Ordinary Paulownia tomentosa-Imperialis has leaves 12-15 cm long and seeds 1-1.5 cm in length. "Our" counterparts have leaves measuring 22-35 cm long and seeds of 4.5-6 cm in length (Fig. 4, Fig.5)

Our park


Paulownia Imperialis


Paulownia Imperialis


Paulownia Imperialis


In 2003, when trees of the above family were brought to our park for planting, their trunk circumference was 22 cm. During the two-year period that they were with us their trunk circumference reached a staggering 54 cm – which simply was not possible. Owing to the excessively hasty growth, sixteen trees wound up with cracked bark (Fig. 6). Further, there were so many fruits on their branches that the latter were unable to sustain their weight and broke. In the three thousand years of cultivation of Paulownia, nobody has ever seen the likes of this.

Not only exotic plants react this way to the field generator. The familiar, commonplace maple also starts to grow robustly in the generator’s field of action. The maple has a huge number of varieties occluding, for example, ninety subspecies of Acer Platanoides. We have a specimen of Acer Platanoides-Superform in our park, bred in Oregon (USA) in 1968. It is a fast-growing variety of maple, which can grow up to 20-25 cm. It has firm green leaves ranging up to 10 cm maximum (Fig. 7). We already had some maples from before in our park. In the course of cleaning the park, the gardener pruned some superfluous branches and formed them into a beautiful crown. And then the miracles began…Under the influence of our field generator beneath the castle, "our" Acer Platanoides-Superform grew to 25-35 cm (Fig. 8).

Paulownia Imperialis


Paulownia Imperialis


Maple Acer Platanoides


Maple Acer Platanoides


The difference is especially noticeable if we compare "our" specimens to those of the "others" (Fig. 9). Seeing these leaves juxtaposed, it is simply impossible to believe that they come from the same variety of maple and that in 2003 these trees did not differ from one another. While I was writing this article, the weather began turning into a golden autumn – not completely, but already tending toward it. As usual for this time of year, an amazing dance of falling leaves began, swirling from maple tree-tops and bringing us an incredible surprise. Even we were astonished at their size despite the fact that both my wife and I had already gotten used to the "oddities" of our plants. The uppermost leaves, nearest to the sunlight, had reached a size of 42-46 cm (Fig. 10a, Fig. 10b, Fig. 10v, Fig. 10g, Fig. 10d).

Maple Acer Platanoides


Maple Acer Platanoides


Maple Acer Platanoides


Maple Acer Platanoides


It is striking that the maple leaves began changing only after the field generator had been placed under our castle. Prior to that, they had "behaved" like any other maples in the world, and had produced perfectly "normal" leaves. This is incontrovertible proof that the changes are not due to the locale where the maples are growing – although the locale in itself is quite amazing – but to the influence of the field generator placed under our castle in 2003.

The reaction of filbert trees is also interesting. These plants did not immediately respond to the field generator: not until 2005 did our filbert tree "suddenly" begin to change. Some observations about the filbert tree, which has numerous varieties – in particular, the subspecies of Hazel Corylus, which has several varieties: Corylus Avellena, Corylus Maxima, Corylus Colurna. Our park has the Hazel Corylus Colurna or Turkish Hazel.

Usually this shrub has several trunks growing from one root that can reach a height of 25 meters. The nuts of this variety of hazel ripen in bunches and have a diameter of up to 1 cm. The Turkish Hazel has roundish leaves with dentate edges measuring 6-8 cm. It generally grows in Southeast Europe and Asia Minor (Fig. 11). "Awakening" of the Hazel in our park brought forth young shoots that began to grow quickly, producing leaves measuring l6 cm (Fig. 12, Fig. 13).

Maple Acer Platanoides


Maple Acer Platanoides


Turkish Hazel


Turkish Hazel


Meanwhile, a month passed before, (being otherwise occupied) I had occasion to take new measurements. A very curious thing had occurred: the leaves of our Hazel had "decided" to grow larger and had reached a size of 24-25 cm (Fig.14). It came as a surprise that the form of the leaves had also changed. Hazel Corylus Colurna began to change its leave from round to elongated in shape (Fig. 15). This plant was changing before our very eyes – in both the literal and figurative sense of the words...

This single empirical fact does not dovetail with any current concept about the transformation of plants. According to contemporary scientific views, such changes, if possible at all, can only occur in the course of thousands of years of evolution. Here, however, we see thousands of years of evolution compressed in just a few years or even in months for some plants due to the influence of the field generator. A unique feature of this phenomenon shows up in the fact that it is possible to observe both changed and unchanged forms of leaves on the same bush (Fig.16).

Turkish Hazel


Turkish Hazel


Turkish Hazel


Turkish Hazel


We also observed a unique reaction to the field generator by Sequoia Sempervirense, one of the biggest and oldest (over 3200 years) species – and also one of the most amazing evergreen trees in the world. The Sequoia is very famous for its mahogany softwood and enormous height – it can reach up to 76 meters. Under normal conditions it can grow 60 cm a year. These trees were planted in our park in 2002 and had a height of from 3 to 4.5 meters. In any place in the world these fast-growing trees, would, within three years, gain a maximum of 1.8 meters (60x3 = 1.8) and reach a height of from 4.8 to 6.3 meters. Under the effect of the field generator the Sequoias grew 8-9.5 meters and reached a height of 11-14 meters (Fig. 17). In other words, they attained in three years what their counterparts in the rest of the world would have required thirteen to sixteen years to accomplish, i.e., they grew five to six times faster.

Another sequoia, Sequoiadendron Giganteum, also responded quite robustly to the field generator. There are many subspecies of the original Sequoiadendron Giganteum, among which the variety "Pendulum" occupies a special place. "Pendulum", bred in France in 1871 is an amazing variety that grows in an upward undulating trajectory along with a very small side growth. The side growth is so minimal that this tree, as a result of its hefty undulating upward growth, is sometimes unable to bear its own weight and can buckle or fall over if not propped up. At certain stages of their growth these trees produce some branches hanging downward. This variety is very rare. An example can be found in Hillier’s Arboretum in Hampshire (UK), nicknamed "the car wash" because of its pendant branches. A few specimens grow in France in the Botanical Garden of Tours in southern France, and, possibly, in Italy.

There are eleven sequoias of this amazing variety in our park. Under ordinary conditions Sequoia Gigantea Pendulum grows very slowly. When we brought these trees to our estate they were 3 meters high without any side branches and absolutely straight. Within three years most of these trees grew upwards of 8-9 meters – which, in itself is very surprising because these trees do not grow straight up. They also have large "hands", which usually fail to appear at such a young age. Further, these trees were planted in pits hollowed out in solid limestone where sequoias grow very poorly. Under the influence of the field generator, these slow-growing trees gained 6 meters in three years under the worst conditions for growth. That is 2 meters per year reflecting a growth rate of 6-7 times faster than that of their counterparts (Fig.18) raised in favorable soil conditions. In the following photo (Fig.19), we may observe chunks of limestone which were extracted from where these trees were planted. The undulating growth of these tree trunks are an astonishing caprice of nature.

Cedrus Atlantica f. Glauca has reacted in the same way. It grows up to 40 meters. This striking Atlantic Blue Cedar was created by nature; man only took advantage of its creation. From 1867 on, this variety of cedar began spreading from France to the outside world. Since then, many varieties of Blue Cedar have been bred in the world. Two years ago we placed 8 meter nursery transplants of these trees in our park. In two years they attained a height of 12-13 meters, which again is normally too quick for this variety. Furthermore they were grown in the soil – limestone and red clay – (Fig.20). This increase of 2-2.5 meters per year represents a growth rate 5-6 times faster than normal.

Sequoia Sempervirense


Sequoia Gigantea Pendulum


Sequoia Gigantea Pendulum


Atlantic Blue Cedar


In 2005 these young nursery transplants produced an extraordinary yield of cones. It is impossible to imagine such a yield of cones on the branches of any tree in the wild (Fig.21)…

The Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus Altissimo) also decided to follow the others’ example. Its motherland is China, where it was widely cultivated before it was introduced to Europe. Father d’Incarville, a Jesuit missionary, brought this tree to Europe in 1751 for Chelsea Physic Garden. A "normal" Tree of Heaven grows up to 30 meters. Its trunk is smooth and grey in color and often called an "elephant leg" owing to its unusual form (Fig.22). Pinnate leaves of an ordinary Tree of Heaven range around 30-50 cm and consist of 15-17 small leaves. The leaves of a very ancient specimen can be up to 60 cm long

Light green male flowers exude a strong unusual smell on a hot sunny day. The fruit of the Tree of Heaven changes color from green to scarlet; during the two weeks of the "scarlet period" the tree «puts on» a festive attire. (Fig. 23). There were three old Trees of Heaven in our park. Several young shoots appeared from dropped seeds after the area near them was cleared of old bushes and other trees. To our surprise, the young shoots of the Trees of Heaven measured 109-112 cm long (Fig. 24).

Atlantic Blue Cedar


Tree of Heaven


Tree of Heaven


Tree of Heaven


The large leaf of an ordinary Tree of Heaven has 15-17 small leaves and is 58 cm long. The large leaf of our young shoot had 33-35 small leaves and was twice the ordinary size. The above is unbelievable but those are the facts – incontrovertible, whether we like them or not (Fig. 25). At the moment we have about forty young Trees of Heaven in our park that are 3-4 meters high and look like palm trees with their unusual leaves.

Also, it is interesting to observe the reaction of the magnolias to the field generator. The magnolia garden was created in 2003. So naturally all the nursery transplants are young plants. Basically, that is the best choice. This is because an adult plant, which has grown and matured for many years under "ordinary" conditions, does not react very intensely to the influence of the field generator. One of the principal reasons is that the adult plant has more or less gone through its formative stage. It is quite another matter to work with young nursery transplants. They are just passing through their initial developmental stage en route to adult maturation and their response to the field generator shows up in full measure. This conclusion can be easily drawn from the data detailed above. And now let us talk about magnolias – those amazing trees with the striking flowers.

Magnolia "Lotus" was bred by Professor D. Todd Gresham as a result of crossing magnolia "Silver Parasol" – Magnolia Hypoleuccca X Magnolia Tripetala and Magnolia "Holy Grail" – Magnolia Hypoleuca X Magnolia Wiesneri. Do not confuse it with Magnolia Tripetala or Magnolia Macrophyla! Magnolia "Lotus" is a cross hybrid and has soft, rounded contours. Its leaves are oval, 12-18 cm long and about 7 cm wide. Its flowers are cream-colored with long, graceful petals and a waxen coating. The flowers have a very suave banana-strawberry smell that differs sharply from the "maternal" smell of Magnolia Tripetala, which is reminiscent of a goat smell. Magnolia Lotus grows well only in good moist soil.

In our park, however, this magnolia grows in almost pure limestone, which simply cannot happen. But here, thanks to the field generator, the Magnolia Lotus not only grows in this soil and but also attains considerable size. Its leaves grow up to 44-52 cm, which is 3-4 times more than normal size and its flower yield surpasses its number of leaves (Fig. 26). It is not be confused with another magnolia named "Lotus Nelumbo" or "Felix Jury", which has small leaves and looks very much like Magnolia "Milky Way".

Another variety is Magnolia Grandiflora "Goliath", which was bred in a Caledonia nursery in Guernsey. This evergreen tree can grow up to 30 meters and has strongly aromatic flowers that measure 15 cm (Fig. 27). Capricious, fragile Grandiflora was planted in our park in pure clay where, according to all the rules, it should have been doomed. Nevertheless, it not only took root but also began to grow vigorously. The change in its flowers has been especially striking. In 2005, after three years of "residence" in our park, the flowers of Goliath have increased to 38 cm in diameter and now indeed have earned the right to be called "Goliath" (Fig. 28).

Tree of Heaven


Magnolia «Lotus»


Magnolia «Goliath»


Magnolia «Goliath»


The parade of magnolias continues. The next record holder is Magnolia Soulangiana. It is the hybrid of Magnolia "Iolanthe" that was bred by crossing Magnolia «Mark Jury» and Magnolia M.X. Soulangiana "Leney". There are hundreds of varieties of Magnolia Soulangiana hybrids. The hybrid "Iolanthe" was bred in 1974 in the north island of New Zealand. The magnolia blooms very early on the fourth year after germination of its seeds. It has large cream-rose flowers l5 cm in diameter. This magnolia prefers moist, but not swampy soil – it grows in limestone in our park! We planted these magnolias in our park in 2003. After a year of growing in limestone, "our" Iolanthe began to show an increase in the size of its flowers (Fig. 29). When you look at the burgeoning flower, it is simply impossible to believe that it is a natural flower instead of some sort of optical illusion (Fig. 30). With every passing year, its flowers have become progressively larger. Upon viewing such flowers, one might automatically exclaim, "What planet are we on?! These things are simply impossible on our Midgard-Earth, except in fairy tales". In 2005, the flowers of this magnolia reached the size of 32-38 cm in diameter (Fig. 31). The size of the leaves had also changed. The leaves of an ordinary Magnolia Iolanthe are 8-10 cm long, while "our" magnolias had already reached 20-22 cm (Fig.32, Fig. 33).

Magnolia «Iolanthe»


Magnolia «Iolanthe»


Magnolia «Iolanthe»


Magnolia «Iolanthe»


Viewing the flowers of another magnolia, "Star Wars" next to the muzzle of an adult dog (Fig. 34) one can clearly appreciate that these flowers are alive and real, and are even native to our planet. But only those flowers – amplified to unbelievable sizes from the effect of the field generator – are located in but one place in the world, our park. It is interesting and noteworthy that the accelerated growth of plants in our park and garden does not result in any pathology in the plants’ development. They all keep their original qualities and properties, but only grow 5-7 times faster, producing enormous leaves and flowers, and yielding an amount and size of fruit several time larger than their "normal" counterparts.

Now a few words about Magnolia "Star Wars". This magnolia is a result of crossing Magnolia Campbelli X Magnolia Liliflora. A breeder from New Zealand, Oswald Blumhard produced this hybrid in the 1970’s and named it after George Lucas’ famous film, "Star Wars". The flowers of this Magnolia are very soft and have a bright rose color deeper than the color of the Magnolia "Early Rose". Flowering lasts almost an entire month. The breeder managed to produce flowers of a larger size. The diameter of the "Star Wars" flowers is 20-22 cm. Everything is all well and good, but…this hybrid turned out to be very capricious, requiring moist black earth and frequent and abundant watering, etc. In other words, it turned out to be a "princess on a pea" and is little known and cultivated. In our garden these magnolias grow perfectly in limestone – which is really not possible! Their flowers are 35-38 cm in diameter. Some magnolias have reacted to the field generator in quite unexpected ways…

The magnolia "Butterflies" is a hybrid Magnolia Acuminata X Magnolia Denudata. This hybrid (USA plant patent No. 7456) was bred by Phil Savazh from the small town of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan by using seeds of the very prolific "Acuminata" as a basis. Under ordinary circumstances it grows in moist black earth and is considered the finest yellow magnolia. In our park it grows in limestone. During its first blooming on a new site, it lost all its yellow color, but, by the following year, its flowers acquired an amazing yellow color even brighter and deeper than usual. The effect is readily visible when we compare the «Butterflies» of last year (Fig. 36) with those of this year (Fig. 37).

Magnolia «Iolanthe»


Magnolia «Star Wars»


Magnolia «Star Wars»


Magnolia «Butterflies»


Another magnolia, "Yellow Bird" is the result of crossing Magnolia Acuminata and Magnolia Brooklynensis "Evamaria". This magnolia was bred by Doris Stone in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden in 1967. It is a very capricious magnolia with very unstable color. It usually has light yellow flowers, paler than those of "Butterflies" and requires moist black earth for growth. In our garden it grows in limestone. After a year’s growth in limestone – an impossible soil for magnolias – the flowers of "Yellow Bird" took on a rich yellow color which is rarely seen even on those of "Butterflies". The process of turning yellow is obvious if one compares the color of the "Yellow Bird" of last year (Fig. 38) with that of this year’s crop (2005) (Fig. 39).

"Marvels" in our park are not limited to the above-described plants. Certainly not all plants react equally to the field generator, which is quite natural. For maximum reaction to the generator’s influence, it requires tuning the generator to resonate with the plant and installing an accurate and precise program aimed at the desired result. To achieve this goal, one must install a compatible and appropriate program for every single plant. Additionally, the simultaneous superposition of programs is possible for tens and even hundreds of plants in one field generator. It requires an experimental selection of parameters of the generator’s effect on every single plant. However, even without a special tuning of the of the field generator, many plants react strongly. To grasp this fact, we have only to look at a very well known plant – a climber (Fig. 40) – and not only at a climber…

Magnolia «Butterflies»


Magnolia «Yellow Bird»


Magnolia «Yellow Bird»




The Boletus Edulis mushrooms growing in our park provide a striking example with its size. Ordinary Boletus Edulis have caps measuring 3-25 cm. Young mushrooms have almost the spherical form of a cap, while more mature ones have pillow-shaped caps. The color of the cap varies from light to dark brown. The cap of young mushrooms adjoins the stalk and in time, can resemble an umbrella. The ginemophor (a tubular structure of the mushroom cap) is white and, with age turns yellow and then greenish-yellow. The stalk of the young mushrooms is massive, thick and egg-shaped. In the course of time it becomes cylindrical and wrinkled. In its upper portion it is dirty-white and has a light mesh pattern which becomes grayish and brownish. The pulp of the cap and stalk is dense and always white with a pleasant smell and taste.

There are some varieties of Boletus Edulis which differ in the color of its caps, depending on the relationship of its mycorrhiza to a certain wood-shrub growth. All this information can easily be found in any mushroom reference text. The detailed description of the Boletus Edulis herein is offered for one specific purpose – to show the clear distinction between a young and an old mushroom. The stalk of a young Boletus Edulis is massive and thick. This hallmark easily defines its age. And this is necessary for a clear understanding of the mushrooms shown on (Fig. 41, Fig. 42, Fig. 43, Fig. 44).

White mushroom (Boletus Edulis)


White mushroom (Boletus Edulis)


White mushroom (Boletus Edulis)


White mushroom (Boletus Edulis)


An old Boletus Edulis has a cap in the range of 25 cm in diameter. Its weight varies from a few grams to 300-400 grams. All the aforementioned photos show that these mushrooms are young but enormous in size, with each weighing no less than one kilogram. Certainly there are mushrooms of greater weight, which occurs very rarely, and they grow only in special places referred to in the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. Only the old mushrooms achieve the record weight, which is gained over a long period of time. In our park all our mushrooms are young. They were only a day or two old when we checked them, despite which they all weighed no less than 1 kilogram. Moreover, there were multitudes of them and all were enormous in size. The diameter of their caps was upwards of 25-30 cm. There was not a single worm in the pulp of the stalks of the mushrooms collected in our park and forest. This is only possible in the case of young mushrooms. Upon entering our park or magnolia garden, you feel like you have found yourself in a fairy land amongst flowers, leaves and fruits of incredible size. Then, all at once you get the feeling that Russian fairy tale characters will momentarily appear…

And – it is of interest to note that not only vegetable organisms respond to the effects of the field generator. In our park there is a large artificial lake with a small river for draining off excess water from the lake. In 2003 we placed sturgeon and koi in our lake. Sturgeons began to multiply very quickly. However, we could not gather exact data about them. To get accurate measurements we have to catch them first and we haven’t done so yet. At the same time, I gleaned some very interesting information about koi without fishing these amazing and clever creatures out. Koi is a Japanese colored carp.

For eons the Japanese have been raising this strikingly beautiful fish in small ponds near their homes. Colored carp or koi come in red, black, whitish-yellow, orange, blue, greenish, pearly and spotted coloring. In Japan a carp is mainly a kind of house pet. Also, this is a fish that feels comfortable in garden pools both in the summer and winter. However, in winter it is advisable to move it to a setting protected from frosts or to place a polyethylene film cover over the reservoir. These are the optimum conditions for maintenance of Japanese colored carp.

The first surprises began almost immediately after placing koi in our lake. Usually, Japanese colored carp spawn once a year in May, although not necessarily every year. After immersion in our lake at the end of summer, these fish spawned five times – something that has never happened anywhere in the world. By the end of summer, offspring of five different sizes swam up to feed. Upon observing them, it was hard to believe that they all hatched from their roe corns in the same year. Without already knowing the normal hatching patterns of these fish, one might think that the offspring of five generations had swam up for "dinner", and that there would have to be at least a four year difference between the smallest and largest. As a matter of fact, the age difference between them was less than four months – which is really incredible.

Moreover, fish recently put into a lake are not supposed to spawn for several years because of their immaturity. But they "decided" to do it anyway after a month’s residence in their "new quarters". And they were at it so enthusiastically that they "decided" to spawn five times, probably because they simply liked the place. In 2005 the koi did it again, probably "deciding" to make the Guinness Book of Records. But the most interesting thing about it is that many fish of unique coloring showed up among the immature fish – something that very rarely happens. Moreover, the winter of 2004-2005 was exceptionally cold for France. Sometimes the temperature dropped to -19 C and our lake froze pretty solidly. We had some anxiety about how the koi would survive. By springtime, after their awakening from hibernation, not a single fish was found dead. This was also a surprise.

Be that as it may, these are some of the "miracles" that occurred after I placed the field generator under our castle. We continue to observe and chronicle these "wonders"…


The field generator I placed under our castle functions according to the principle of the accumulation and redistribution of so-called "primary matters."

Our universe appeared as a result of the confluence of seven primary matters. This is related to the fact that white light disintegrates into seven basic colors and an octave consists of seven notes. And that is why physically solid substance, when destroyed, disintegrates into photons of seven colors. During their mergence, primary matters created several hybrid forms of matter in our universe. So-called "physically solid matter" is only one of our universe’s six hybrid forms that appeared after the merging of the seven primary matters. Accordingly, other hybrid forms appear as a result of the merging of six, five, four, three and two primary matters, respectively. All these hybrid forms are as real and material as physically solid matter. They differ from one another in their quantitative and qualitative composition .

Under the influence of the field generator, living organisms undergo a change in the degree of their biological efficiency . As a result of this effect, a multitude of vegetable organisms grow five to seven times more quickly than without it. Thus, often the dimensions of leaves, flowers and fruit are larger than the dimensions of plants not exposed to the field generator’s effect. There are also cases where changes also occur in the form of the leaves and fruits. Countless times the size and amount of fruits and plants have surpassed those of the vegetation not exposed to the field generator’s effect... Many plants have flowered and born fruit twice a year, while other plants of the same species do so only once a year. Some plants have born both flowers and fruit at the same time.

Plants of various species have not reacted identically to the effect of the field generator. This is due to differences in their chromosomal makeup and can be adjusted by fine tuning the generator’s working fields to each specific type of plant. This article documents the actual results achieved in confirmation of these conclusions. The results produced by the effect of the field generator are real and material. They can be seen, touched, tasted and smelled. All this has happened under the influence of the generator, which, itself, was not created on the basis of physically solid matter.

Actually, the field generator was created on the basis of other hybrid forms of matter in our universe; yet, its influence on plants and animals is real and material. Young nursery plants raised right from the seed have reacted best of all. And so it unfolds, as our plants continue to change under the influence of the field generator placed beneath our castle. The various hybrid forms of matter differ from each other quantitatively and qualitatively and therefore do not "interact" with each other. This means that the field generator placed under our castle will not cause any changes in the physically solid matter deep within Midgard-Earth.

The superposition of one hybrid matter upon another does not alter the properties of non-living matter. The field generator in this case does not have a physically solid structure and therefore cannot be detected by means of our six sense organs. Nevertheless this field generator is real and its influence on living matter is real.

The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas relate that a Source of Life, created by the Light Hierarchies using the same principle described above, was placed deep within the bowels of Midgard-Earth at the onset of the Night of Svarog. This was done to offset the Night of Svarog’s negative influence on people. The Source of Life accumulated the necessary primary matters and created additional primary matter streams in order to counteract the negative evolutionary warp brought on by the Night of Svarog.

The Source of Life was placed deep within the entrails of Midgard-Earth in the form of a crystal made of a hybrid form of matter, but no physically solid matter forms were used. The outlets of the Source of Life on the surface of Midgard-Earth were identified by the volkhvs with the help of plants that were of extraordinary size. In the Slavonic-AryanVedas we can find clues to help discover the outlets of the Source of Life. These signs correspond exactly to the reaction of plants under the influence of the field generator in our park and magnolia garden.

The operating principles of the Source of Life and the field generator are identical. They only have different objectives. The unusual plant growth in the vicinity of the Source of Life was a side effect, while the influence of the field generator was a deliberate effect. Our observation, that the side effect of the Source of Life is identical to the intentional effect of the field generator, indicates that the action of the Source of Life is based on the redistribution of primary matters that can counteract a negative evolutionary skew brought on by a Night of Svarog. And this evolutionary skew is related to the same primary matters, the concentration of which influences the growth of plants. That is why plants near the outlet of the Source reacted in the same way that our plants did to the intentional influence of the field generator.

Thus, if we compare the Source of Life’s influence depicted in the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas with our solidly empirical results from our field generator, we may conclude that the Source of Life existed and was intentionally placed by Light Hierarchies within the entrails of Midgard-Earth. It turns out that the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas are not mythical reflections of the Russian people, but actual information of real events buried deep within Russia’s hidden past.

Nicolai Levashov, October 25, 20005

To be continued...


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